近年來,「文化」逐漸被世界各地與台灣的政策制訂者視為具有解決社會問題與促進經濟成長功能的萬靈丹。臺北市的工業棕地遺址─松山菸廠,自2007年後開始轉型成為以培育原創文化與創意為願景的文化園區。在轉型的過程中,松山菸廠隨著臺北市文化園區政策的轉變而被賦予了許多不同的空間想像,直到2007年後才確定文創產業扶植空間的發展定位。但是在文化園區政策實踐的過程中,松山文創園區的功能定位逐漸被延伸與擴張,除了文創產業的扶植,也必須滿足臺北市政府提升國際知名度、參與城際競逐以及吸引觀光遊客的政策需求。松山文創園區因此逐漸成為包含許多不同使用者與使用型態的複合性空間。然而,在目前松山文創園區光鮮亮麗的外表下,園區的空間願景卻與實踐產生了落差,松山文創園區的營運單位難以實踐願景中宣稱的新資本流動形式,提供文創業者或是藝文工作者其發展所需的資源與空間。松山文創園區政策的實踐反而成為象徵性的再現,且再現過程中的空間篩選與排除更是形塑出提倡特定生活品味的消費空間,但卻也使得地方的獨特性逐漸喪失,並且產生不均衡的資源分配以及鄰近空間店家的迅速置換等發展問題。 本研究將試圖以松山文創園區做為案例探討臺北都市再結構過程的文化園區政策轉變,並且探討文化園區空間篩選與排除策略所產生的影響。因此提出以下研究問題:一、松山文創園區發展歷程背後的文化園區政策脈絡為何,且臺北市文化局所提出的政策對於松山文創園區的空間願景有何影響。二、臺北市文化局企圖運用哪些方法實踐松山文創園區發展計畫的空間願景?這些方法產生了什麼樣的成效。三、在松山文創園區空間願景下的篩選與排除將園區對於園區與周遭的空間產生了什麼影響。 在經過文本分析、假說建立、田野調查與深度訪談等質性研究方法後,本研究發現下列現象:一、臺北市政府企圖透過文化園區解決松山菸廠文資保存活化的課題,並且企圖運用文化與創意的扶植來達到提升都市競爭力與國際知名度的政策目的。二、臺北市政府企圖引入私部門的資金來達成空間修補與資本固著的發展願景,然而私部門企業所興建的新大樓卻未如同願景架構出新的文創產業鏈與生產型態,反而因為空間的篩選與排除而塑造出提倡特定生活風格與品味的消費空間,並造成鄰近社區店租的大幅上漲,使得原有的店家因此逐漸被排除。三、臺北市文化局在目前松山文創園區的空間中藉由引入仲介性質的設計產業相關單位來呈現臺北市政府對於設計產業之重視,並且規劃一系列的文創扶植課程以滿足園區扶植文創產業的發展目標,但卻難以實踐園區願景所描述的不受市場機制限制的空間,仍是以品牌行銷與獲利能力為目標教授參與扶植課程之業者。最後,在園區象徵性再現的發展策略之下,更是使得園區面臨到文化均質化與產業發展資源分配不均的危機。
In recent years, “Culture”has been regarded as a panacea for solving social problems and used as a method to boost the economic growth by the worldwide policy-makers including Taiwan. Songshan tobacco plant has been transformed into a cultral park which is aimed for cultivating original culture and encouraging creativities. However, the function of Songshan Cultural Creative Park has been further extended during the time of establishing the cultural park. In order to meet the policy demands by the Taipei Government, Songshan Cultural Creative Park was anticipated to raise the reputation of Taipei city, to participate the competition of cities worldwide, and to attract the tourists. Hence, Songshan Cultural Creative Park has become a composite space that includes different kinds of performers and art shops. Nevertheless, the gap between the original ideas and the reality exists under the pretty looking of the park. In order to clearify the changes of the cultural park policies due to the reconstruction of Taipei city and the effects brought by the spatial inclusions and exclusions, three major questions need to be answered: First, what is the cultural park policy evolution traced back from Songshan Cultural Creative Park, and how does the conversion of cultural park policy affect the vision of the park. Secondly, what kinds of method does the Department of Cultural Affairs attempt to use to achieve the spatial vision of Songshan Cultural Creative Park, and what is the effect of these methods.Thirdly, what is the impact of the spatial inclusions and exclusions behind the spatial vision of Songshan Cultural Creative Park on the space of the park and neighbor block. A qualitative method was applied in this study, including text analyst, field surveys, depth interviews and author’s self-experience. Finding are as follows: First, Taipei Government tried to solve the problem of reservation of legacy in Songshan tobacco plant with cultural park strategy, and meet the policy demand of raising the prestige and competitiveness of global competition. Secondly, Taipei Government attempted to achieve the vision of spatial fix within the incorporation with private capital. However,the outcome of the policies did not contribute to the new cultural creative industrial chain as well as the declaration of the vision, but create a consumption space which promotes particular tastes and styles due to the spatial inclusions and exclusions. Thirdly, the Department of Cultural Affairs presents the regard of desigh industry within the introduction of design industrial dealer affairs to Songshan Cultural Creative Park and sets a serial agendas for the goal of fostering cultural creative industries.But hardly can the Department of Cultural Affairs construct a space withoout the limitation of market as well as the declaration in the vision, the agendas proposed by the administrant are still aimed for marketing and making profit. Hence, Songshan Cultural Creative Park have faced the crisis of the cultural homogenization and uneven distribution of resources under the strategy of symbolice representation.