  • 學位論文


A Study of Key Service Factors on Buffet Restaurant

指導教授 : 簡德金


隨著國人生活型態變化,以及對飲食品味的重視。為滿足需求,高價位Buffet自助餐廳在台灣如雨後春筍般林立。然而,許多顧客的抱怨加上面臨許多新型態餐廳的競爭者,導致Buffet自助餐廳經營不善,倒閉失敗的風險居高不下。究其原因,在於經營者仍無法完整掌握整體關鍵服務而盲目投入資源及成本,導致忽略了顧客真正的需求。Buffet自助餐廳業者除了要兼顧服務、菜色品質之外,當然更要符合顧客需求。對此,過去諸多學者雖強調關鍵成功因素的重要,卻無法具體展現系統化服務架構之研究成果。 為此,本研究(1)透過文獻回顧,掌握Buffet自助餐廳關鍵服務;(2)透過KJ法、焦點團體法、德爾法等質性訪談法,建立「Buffet自助餐廳關鍵服務架構表」,以具體呈現系統化服務機制;(3)藉由層級分析發(AHP)賦予各構面/類別/關鍵因素之權重值,以提升決策品質與資源有效性;(4)最後,說明本研究成果,與其管理意涵,以方便決策者運用本研究成果。 而結果顯示,要有效建立符合顧客需求之餐廳,需優先考量立地位置,以及大廳整體風格,並展現餐廳特色。此外,衛生及餐食部分則是餐廳最需特別注意的。 因此,本研究之成果不僅提供經營者各項評核及改善之依據,亦能清楚掌握各關鍵服務因素之重要順序,進而調整各項關鍵服務來滿足顧客需求,且能降低營運失敗的可能性,提升總體經營績效。


With people lifestyle change and the importance of diet taste. To meet the demand, the high-priced of buffet restaurant mushroomed everywhere in Taiwan. However, many customers complain and facing many new types of restaurants competitors, leading Buffet restaurant mismanagement and high risk of failure. The reason is operators are still not fully grasping the key services. Lead to ignoring the real needs of the customer. Buffet restaurant industry in addition to take care of the service and quality dishes, also to meet customer needs. In this regard, thought lots of researcher have emphasized the key success factors, but it is not possible to show the study of systematic services framework. Hence, there are three parts in this study as follows: (1) Through literature review, master key services factors on buffet restaurant; (2) Using the KJ technique、Focus Group Interview method、Delphi Method, establish buffet key service factors framework to specific services rendered systematic mechanism; (3) Through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to rank the factors and the given weights. And promoting decision quality and resource availability; (4) Finally, the management implications in the study will helpful to the operators. This research not only provides operators the assessment and improvement of nuclear, can also clear grasp in the order of the important factors of the key services. And then adjust the key services to meet customer needs. Then it can reduce the likelihood of operational failure, and promote macro performance.


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