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The Effects of Popularity: An Online Store Perspective

Advisor : 簡德金
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網路的普及與網路消費者持續增加,使得網路商店如雨後春筍般地出現。但網路商店應如何從中嶄露頭角,並提升銷售金額與獲利,已成為經營者的重要課題。但事實顯示,開店者雖多,關門大吉者卻也不少。究其原因在於,經營者無法有效提升網路商店人氣與消費者重購意願,因此不斷浪費資源在無效益的行銷活動上,最後邁向結束營業之路。 為此,本研究除彙整學者對網路商店經營所提出的各項關鍵因素外,並以結構方程模式建立網路商店人氣效應模式。藉此釐清(1)行銷活動、服務品質、商品力及網頁設計與網路商店人氣之間的關係;(2)顧客價值、品牌形象對購買意願的影響;(3)確認消費能力是否左右人氣,進而影響購買意願。相信,此研究結果不僅在實務運用上指出明確的著力點,並提供學術研究上一面嶄新的視野。

Parallel abstracts

Recently, internet is widely used in our daily life, caused online customer growing rapidly, then the amount of online store rising quickly. Therefore, it is important issue for online store to stand out from the crowd, then even boost sales and profit. Many enterprises had invested resource on online store, but much great amount of stores was closedown. The major reason is operator spend many efforts on valueless marketing campaign, caused popularity and repeat purchase intention raising ineffectively, finally folded up online store. Consequently, this research summarizes the critical factors for online store operating, and uses structural equation model (SEM) to establish “Online Store Popularity Effect Model”. Through the model, this research can understand (1) relationship between online store popularity and marketing campaign, service quality, product power, website design; (2) effect between purchase intention and customer value, brand image; (3) moderating impact of consumption ability. This result not only indicates the critical point that enterprise should pay more attention, but draws a whole new perspective for academic researcher.

Parallel keywords

Online Store Popularity Operation Mode SEM


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