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The Automatically Tuning System of Evaluation Function for Computer Chinese Chess

Advisor : 吳毅成


象棋是世界上最受歡迎的棋類遊戲之一,電腦象棋在電腦人工智慧上的地位也很重要,電腦象棋的審局是影響電腦象棋棋力的重要因素,然而審局是由大量參數組合計算而成,每個參數都需要設定分數值,傳統的做法是以人工不斷地調整審局參數值,費時費工且難以精準。 本篇論文研究象棋審局,利用基因演算法和統計方法,設計一套新的參數自動優化系統,自動調整審局的參數值,並針對棋局的不同階段做參數的調整。從實驗結果看來,經由此系統可以增進電腦象棋的棋力。


審局 基因演算法 統計

Parallel abstracts

Chinese Chess is one of the most popular game in the world, computer Chinese Chess is important in computer artificial intelligence, computer evaluation function is a key factor for computer Chinese Chess, but the evaluation function is computed by a lot of parameters, each parameter is needed to be set a value, the traditional method is to tune values of evaluation parameters continuously by people, it is time-consuming, laborious, and difficult to be precise. This thesis researches the evaluation function for computer Chinese Chess, we design a new automatically tuning system of evaluation function by genetic algorithm and statistical method, it tunes values of evaluation parameters automatically, and divides into different stages by chess game. The experiment results show the system increases the power of our computer Chinese Chess program.

Parallel keywords

evaluation genetic algorithm statistics


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