  • 學位論文

網路口碑之可信度評估-以iPeen 愛評美食網為例

A Trustworthiness Evaluation of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Delicacies-Channel of iPeen

指導教授 : 吳帆


網路的美食經驗分享己經成為文化風潮,像是iPeen愛評美食網,因為它提供消費者一個便利的評論與回應的平台。然而,由於資訊不對稱與匿名之故,可能難防有惡意攻擊或刻意製造人氣以獲得不當利益的作弊行為。本研究試圖站在社會網路的角度,提出一些關於網路口碑可信度的新評估指標。   在社會網路中,以信任計算評估評論者與回應者的可信度,重新計算店家滿意度並進行排名。本研究以監督式學習方法實證驗證本研究公式的有效性。由皮爾森相關係數顯示,本公式計算結果比iPeen網站直接排名結果更接近專家驗證結果。


Delicacies share on the web, such as the iPeen, is a popular activity for people since it provides a convenient platform of reviews and comments for consumers. However, asymmetric information and anonymity about reviewers and commentators is vulnerable by malicious attackers or collusive participants who exploit possible cheating tricks to gain improper profits. This research tries to propose several new metrics about the trustworthiness evaluation of electronic word-of-mouth in the viewpoint of social network.   Upon the social network, this research uses trust-computing to evaluate credibility of the reviewers and commentators, and then compute satisfactions to rank the stores. The supervised learning and empirical studies are performed to show the effectiveness of the proposed formula. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient shows that the ranking of the delicacies-stores by the proposed formula is more approach of the experts than the iPeen.


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