  • 學位論文


The Treatment of Landfill Leachate by Electrocoagulation System

指導教授 : 張國慶


摘 要 學號:N9031003 論文題目:垃圾滲出水電凝系統處理之研究 總頁數:138 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系別:環境工程與科學 畢業年月:2008年1月 學位別:碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:葉晁良 指導教授:張國慶 博士 論文摘要內容: 本研究係以電凝系統能有效分解COD、去除水中色度等特性,處理外觀呈深褐色,具有臭味,固體含量多及高鹽分、氨氮、化學需氧量(COD)及含少量重金屬之垃圾滲出水。 研究之實驗分成二部份進行,第一部份:電凝模型廠基本試驗;第二部份:應用模型廠實驗成果評估於操作現場電凝系統之成效,並估算操作成本。 第一部份於操作電壓50伏特,輸出電流DC 100A之固定條件下,研究結果顯示當pH=8,停留時間(HRT)為10分鐘為最適之操作參數,以此為依據應用於第二部份時,下列各項年平均去除率分別為COD 30~38%,BOD 49~54%,SS 65~76%;而殘留總鐵量1.0~1.3mg/L,水溫平均上升0.5~0.8℃。 經操作成本分析以電凝系統處理垃圾滲出水每日每噸約為16.9元/m3。 關鍵字:電凝系統、垃圾滲出水、化學需氧量(COD)


Abstract Student ID: N9031003 Title of Thesis: The Treatment of Landfill Leachate by Electrocoagulation System Total Pages: 138 Name of Institute: National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Name of Department: Department of Environmental Science and Engineering Date of Graduation: Jan, 2008 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Student: Chao-Liang Yeh Adviser: kuo-ching chang, ph.D. The Contents of Abstract in this Thesis: In the present study, Electrocoagulation System, efficient in COD destruction and color removal of waste water, was employed to treat landfill leachate which looks dark brown, smells stinky, contains trace heavy metals and high solid contents, and has high concentrations of salinity, ammonium, and COD. The study consists of two experiments. The first one used pilot plant test to determine optimum operating conditions. The second one applied the previous results to evaluate the efficiency of Electrocoagulation System and estimate the operating costs. The results of the first experiment indicated that the optimum operating conditions for electrocoagulation with fixed applied voltages and DC(50V and 100A) were pH=8, 10minutes hydraulic retention time (HRT). The results of the second experiment showed that the removal of 30~38% COD, 49~54% BOD, 65~76% SS was achieved. In addition, the total iron residual was 1.0~1.3mg/L and the average increase in water temperature was 0.5~0.8 ℃. The operating cost analysis led to the conclusion that the cost of employing Electrocoagulation System to treat one ton of landfill leachate was NT$16.9 dollars. Key words:Electrocoagulation System、landfill leachate、COD


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