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New-Onset Diabetes after Kidney Transplantation


移植術後的新發糖尿病(new-onset diabetes after transplantation, NODAT) 是腎臟移植術後主要且常見的併發症,而因NODAT 所產生的併發症,嚴重者將導致移植腎臟功能衰竭及患者死亡,且增加心血管疾病的發病率。故本篇文章旨在探究腎臟移植NODAT 之無法修正與可修正的危險因子,並提供移植術前評估、移植術後血糖監測與免疫抑制劑臨床處置原則。若能早期偵測危險因子,適時提供預防措施與臨床處置,減少併發症發生,將有助於提升腎臟移植術後的長期存活率。

Parallel abstracts

A diagnosis of new-onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT) is a common complication after kidney transplantation. Most importantly, NODAT affects graft and patient survival, and increases the incidence of post-transplant cardiovascular disease. In this review paper, non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors for NODAT are discussed. In addition, pre-transplant evaluation and post-transplant monitoring of glucose and management of immunosuppression are discussed. If early detection of risk factor for new-onset diabetes, the timely prevention and clinical management, reduce complications, it will help to improve the long-term survival after kidney transplantation.
