對於多指端的組織缺損,前胸及腹部皮瓣是傳統上常用的方法。因為手指曲度的關係,使用單一皮瓣會面臨寬度不夠的問題。我們舉一個多指凍傷的病人及一個中指壓傷的病人為例說明,使用多個小的菱形皮瓣來治療,其結果良好。 它的好處在於前胸的菱形皮瓣可以取得較薄,而且容易設計,得取皮瓣後可直接縫合傷口,是一個相當安全的手術。設計時須注意把菱形中間之對角線放在皮膚最鬆弛的方向,並且以菱形之一邊作為皮瓣之基礎(base),如此皮瓣就有四個方向的選擇,故便宜了初出道的整形外科醫師使用為其最大的特色。
Lateral chest and abdominal wall pedicle flaps have often been used in the converage of multiple finger defects, because they are the areas of relative loose skin which made the primary closure of wound possible. We designed a modified rhomboid flap according to its dynamic relation of skin tension so that the wound can be closed easily without remarkable tension. Especially in case of multiple defects of fingers we feel this is a good application and can save a lot of operation time by requiring no skin grafting. We here present a successful case example of rhomboid flap taken from lateral chest wall to cover multiple finger defects after the frostbite injury. The principle can also be applied on other deep hand defect resurfacing.