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Application of Hydrocolloid Dressing on Treatment of Chronic Leg Ulcers



親水性膠質敷料可提供傷口一個潮濕環境,因而增進傷口癒合,自1990至1996年,有39位慢性下肢潰瘍患者,敷用親水性膠質敷料於潰瘍傷口上;其中14位患者之傷口皆併有韌帶或骨頭暴露之問題,在平均23日之親水性膠質敷料照護後,所有傷口皆有肉芽組織長成,因而可用簡單植皮手術完成傷口覆蓋。 和傷口沒有韌帶或骨頭暴露之患者比較,併有韌帶或有骨頭暴露之問題者,其傷口直徑比較大,手術次數比較多,及住院日數比較長,而親水性膠質敷料使用日數也明顯增加。然而在親水性膠質敷料照護後,併有韌帶或骨頭暴露之問題者,可用簡單植皮手術完成傷口覆蓋,而避免複雜之皮瓣手術。 我們認為親水性膠質敷料是屬於繼續潤濕敷料之一種,有助於局部肉芽組織之形成,而對植皮前傷口之準備可扮演很有用的角色。


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The use of hydrocolloid dressing in maintaining a moist wound environment has been proved to be a useful adjunct in facilitating wound healing. In our experience, hyprocolloid dressing also provides protection on the complicated ulcers with exposure of major structures, including bones, tendons, great vessels or nerves. From January 1990 to December 1996, hydrocolloid dressing was applied to 39 patients of chronic leg ulcers in the division of plastic surgery of National Taiwan University Hospital. Among the patients, 14 patients had complicated ulcers with exposure of major structures, including bones and/or tendons. The bases of these ulcers were prepared with hydrocolloid dressing following debridements. All the ulcers eventually were resurfaced by skin grafting. Compared with those without exposure of major structures, the patients with exposure of major structures had larger diameter of ulcers (6.4 versus 4.3), higher frequency of operations (1.6 versus 1.2 for each patient), longer hospital stays (27.4 versus 17.0 days) and longer duration of application of hydrocolloid dressing (23.0 versus 13.5 days). For complicated ulcers with exposure of major structures, it takes longer time for healing. Under the application of hydrocolloid dressing and after good granulation tissue covered the bases of ulcers, all the complicated ulcers eventually were resurfaced with skin grafting instead of flap reconstruction.
