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"New Eulogies of the Patriarchs, written by the Chan master of Qianfo temple in Quanzhou" and "Patriarch's Hall Collection", An Appendix of Quanzhou's Geography Concerning Wenteng



Parallel abstracts

The Dunhuang manuscript entitled ”New Eulogies of the Patriarchs. written by the Chan master of Qianfo temple in Quanzhou”(泉州千佛新著諸祖師頌, Stein 1635) was one of the sources used for the composition of the ”Patriarch's Hall Collect ion”(Zutang ji 祖堂集). This manuscript is in fact the only contemporaneous text which is related to the Zutang ji. It is thus important for us to understand the connection between these two texts. In the present article the author attempts to untangle this problem by considering the biography of the author of the text, Chan master Wenteng(文.), and the hi story of the Quanzhou region during the late Tang and Five Dynasties period. The author's research will show that a process of expansion and development can be observed in both texts.


﹝五代﹞ 法眼文益: 《宗門十規論》 ,《績藏經》第110冊。
﹝宋﹞子昇、如祐編: 《禪門諸祖師偈頌》卷1 ,《續藏經》第116冊。
