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Like Mothers, Like Children? The Intergenerational Transmission for Perception of Maternal Love



Parallel abstracts

What is the feeling of maternal love in the course of an individual's life? Is there any intergenerational transmission? What are the factors that affect maternal love? This maternal-child dyad research was designed to analyze the process of maternal love toward children as well as the maternal love perception by children toward themselves by interviewing the life histories of Taiwanese middle-aged mothers and at least one of their children. The thematic analysis was adopted to reduce the intergenerational transmission process between the two generations of the participants. Participants comprised 11 Taiwanese mothers and their 13 adolescent children. It was found that the process of maternal love toward the next generation was influenced by the participating mother's mother, which passed to the next generation in three different ways. The behavior of the participating mother's mother leading to abundant favor experienced was learned by the participating mother and transmitted to their children. However, the experience of feeling scanty love led to either of the two situations: one was subconsciously transmitted by the participating mothers to their children, who also felt scanty, and the other was introspected and improved, and their children felt good. The factors of maternal love feelings between two generations were the extent to which the mothers were fair, the amount of interaction time, the way of discipline, and the ability of individual self-reflection. The feeling of maternal love showed little difference across the different stages of life course of the two generations. Therefore, this study suggests that mothers should pay attention to fair discipline, use less authoritarian discipline, spend more time with children, and apply family education or parenting courses to improve the ability of self-reflection.


