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Subjective Educational Evaluation: The Case of Educational Tracking System in Taiwan


國內外教育社會學界對於教育分流的實證研究多偏向於:1.家庭背景對於進入不同分流體系的影響力;2.教育分流與職業、收入取得的關連性探討,至於出身於不同分流途徑者對「主觀教育評估」方面,則較缺乏深入的分析。有鑑於此,本研究的重點在於分析歷經「一般/技職」分流體系者,對於自身教育的評估是否有差異?而此主觀評估是否關連到社會階層信念?以及主觀階級認同? 本研究運用民國八十六年的「台灣社會變遷基本調查三期三次社會階層組」資料進行量化分析。研究結果為:在控制了背景變項、客觀教育程度之後,技職體系者比起一般體系者,對「自己所受的教育」顯得較沒自信;但是對於「教育的重要性」,則兩分流者皆呈現一樣地肯定、一樣地重視。再者,在主觀的「社會階層信念」方面,一般體系者傾向內在歸因,也較認同將個人成功歸因於後天因素;可是技職體系者的階層信念則較混淆,對於內在/外在歸因、先天/後天歸因可能同時存在。最後在「主觀階級認同」方面,受主觀評估與階層信念的影響均相當有限,無論一般體系還是技職體系,仍是以職業、收入等「客觀階層位置」作為自己階級認同的主要依據。

Parallel abstracts

In field of Sociology of education, both foreign and domestic papers have focused on two approaches: 1.The effects of family background on different tracks; 2.The relationship between tracking and occupation or income. There are very few studies that focus on issue of ”subjective educational evaluation”. The main point of this study is to analyze differences of the graduates from academic/vocational tracks, and discuss what the influence of their subjective educational evaluation on beliefs about social stratification and subjective class identity. This paper uses the data from 1997 Taiwan Social Change Survey to test these hypotheses. Empirical analysis of this study shows that graduates from vocational tracking shows less self-confidence in ”own educational status” than the academic one. Nevertheless, both tracks emphasized the importance of education evenly. Furthermore, in respect of subjective ”beliefs about social stratification”, graduates who were placed in academic track tend to ”inner attribution”, and they attribute their success to ”acquired cause”. On the other hand, graduates from vocational track show their beliefs about stratification confusedly. Finally, for subjective class identity, this paper also shows that both tracks take ”objective positions of strata (eg. occupation, income etc.) as the basis of subjective class identity.

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