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A New Study on the Stylistic Form [體式] of the Chinese Traité Manichéen [摩尼教殘經] and its Missing Words by Consulting the Stylistic Form of the Buddhist Sutras



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This article mainly examined the Chinese Traité Manichéen [摩尼教殘經] of Dunhuang manuscripts (BD 256, hereinafter referred to as Traité) by consulting the stylistic aspect of the Chinese Buddhist scriptures as a literary basis served for the stylistic imitation of the Manichean translations. We found that the structural style of Traité obviously adopted the trisection form of Buddhist scriptures [三分科經法] and four-word prose styles [四言格散文體], often seen in Buddhist scriptures. Putting the Buddhist stylistic forms alongside of the Chinese text of the style of the Traité and tracing back to the style of the Traité, we could obtain the following results: first of all, there were some lost or misplaced words in some parallel paragraphs of the Traité; secondly, some derivative words [衍文] could be retrieved; and last, we could restore some lost words on the broken literary fragments.


國家圖書館編 《鳴沙遺墨:國家圖書館館藏精品大展敦煌遺書圖錄》,北京:國家圖書館出版社,2014 年。
汪娟 〈敦煌景教文獻對佛教儀文的吸收與轉化〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》第 89 本第 4 分(2018 年 12 月),頁 631-661。
汪娟 〈敦煌摩尼教殘卷《佛性經》體式新詮——以佛經散文體「四言格」為中心〉,《敦煌寫本研究年報》第 14 號(2020 年 3 月),頁 39-50。
林悟殊 《摩尼教及其東漸》,北京:中華書局,1987 年。
林悟殊 《摩尼教華化補說》,蘭州:蘭州大學出版社,2014 年。
