德國柏林印度藝術博物館(Museum für Indische Kunst)收藏了高昌(Qočo,今吐魯番)出土的回鶻文《十王經》30多個殘片,另有10個漢文《十王經》殘片。日本天理圖書館收藏了張大千(1899-1983)收集的《敦煌遺片》1和2也可能是回鶻文《十王經》殘片。俄國聖彼得堡東方文獻研究所(Institute of Oriental Manuscripts)收藏了俄國駐烏魯木齊總領事克羅特闊夫(Nikolaj Nikolayevich Krotkov,1869-1919)所收集的6個回鶻文《十王經》殘片,其中兩個殘片可以綴合。本文將這些回鶻文《十王經》殘片中較為完整和有代表性者與漢文《十王經》圖卷做一比較。
The Museum of Indian Art (Museum für Indische Kunst) in Berlin, Germany has collected more than 30 fragments of the illustrated Scripture of the Ten Kings(十王經/Shiwang jing) in the Turkic language unearthed from Gaochang (Qočo, present-day Turpan), as well as 10 fragments of the Shiwang jingin Chinese. The Tenri Central Library in Nara, Japan has collected the "Dunhuang Relics"1 and 2, collected by Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), which may also be fragments of the old Turkic Shiwang jing. The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts in St. Petersburg, Russia has collected 6 fragments of the old Turkic Shiwang jing collected by the Russian Consul General in Urumqi, Nikolaj Nikolayevich Krotkov (1869-1919), including two Fragments can be conjoined. This article compares these comprehensive collections of the Turkic and Chinese fragments of the Scripture of the Ten Kings.