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Endodontic Treatment of the Upper Molar with MB2 Root Canal and Prosthetic Consideration: A Case Report



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According to previous literatures, the incidence rate of an extra root canal in the maxillary first molar is about 46%~88% depending on ethnic differences. This report is to discuss the procedures of root canal treatment of the maxillary first molar with secondary mesio-buccal root canal and prosthetic considerations after finishing the complete root canal treatment. This 40y/o female patient complained about persistent discomfort over the upper left posterior area. After the discussion with the patient, the treatment plan was conventional root canal treatment and prosthesis fabrication. The majority etiology of teeth fracture after root canal treatment is the mass reduction of teeth structures. After conversing as much healthy teeth structure as possible, we selected all ceramic onlay to restore the decay. Since the patient ha no oral parafunction or special oral habits, this kind of prosthesis design has the advantage of conserving more healthy tooth structures than the traditional crown.
