The purpose of this study was to find out the development of adolescent self-harm behavior. Independent variables in this study were divided by three different levels: personal level, family level, and school level. The impact of social support was also included in the model. The sample was collected by stratified-cluster random. In this study, subjects consisted of 549 junior high students at Tainan city. Nested regression model was used to analyze the collected data. The findings included that (1) depression emotion, low self-esteem, hedonistic impulsivity, emotional impulse, sensation seeking were related to adolescent self-harm behavior; (2) negative relation with parent had mediator effects between conflict from consuming and self-harm behavior; (3) depression emotion, hedonistic impulsivity, siblings and peers having self-harm behavior, parent conflict still played an important role in the explanation of adolescent self-harm behavior, after controlling the impact of personal, family, and school factors and social support.