臺灣總督府自明治三十一年(1898)起進行土地調查事業,事業的施行範圍主要是西部的平原地區。 由於先前的土地調查事業未及於東部及澎湖群島,總督府爲了達成臺灣全土之地籍整理目標,自一九一○年開始以二階段進行之方式(1910-1914, 1915-1925),針對西部平原以外尚未完成調查之地區,接續展開地籍整理事業,是爲林野整理事業。 不論是在林野整理事業的調查或整理階段,東臺灣都在獨立的體系下進行,在政策指導方針以及業主權查定原則上,與西部有著明顯的差異。這種差異性格的存在除了反映臺灣東部歷史人文的特殊性外,也同時顯現出總督府對於東部地區的整體經營,存在著特殊的政治考量。 東部至日本領臺當時,在人口稀疏及荒地頗衆的誘因下,促使總督府一直希望將東部保留作爲日本內地移民的生活空間。結果,總督府爲了取得執行移住政策的「集團地」(大面積的土地),首先必須針對原住民的土地利用方式進行限制,明確劃定其土地區域範圍,藉以取得剩餘廣大原野土地之支配權。此外也積極介入原住民的土地舊慣,企圖建立個人的土地所有權,更動其維生與農耕方式。 本文之主要目的即試圖解明上述政策過程及其歷史意義。
During the Japanese rule, The Government-General of Taiwan set out in the proceeding of land ownership survey from 1898. In this undertaking, the main region of investigation was centerlized in the west-side plain of Taiwan. In order to achieve the final destination of stretching the range of land ownership survey to the whole-island, The Government-General aimed at the area excluding the west-side plain to continue the investigation, so called ”the undertaking of arranging forest-land” (林野整理事業), by two proceeding stages: 1910-1914 and 1915-1925. In these two stages, the land ownership survey in Eastern Taiwan was viewed as an independent unit which did differ from the western Taiwan in the matter of surveying regulation of land ownership and the policy instituted by The Government-General. The discrepancies not only reflected the unique characters of history and humanities of Eastern Taiwan, but also reveal The Government-General's special consideration of the systematic operation in Eastern Taiwan. Since the Japanese's rule, The Government-General had been trying to reserve eastern-lands as a residential vacancy for the migrants that immigrated from the inner Japan. It is necessary for The Government-General, in one hand, to define and delimit the eastern lands and even restrict the aborigines' ways of using lands to obtain the dominance of broad wild lands, in another, to concentrate ”large area of land” (集團地) being official or national for putting the colonization policy in practice. Through this, large area of the eastern lands became national or official intact-ownership lands. And those still belonged to the commoners were fragmented and defined the private ownership This essay focuses on the subject mentioned above to explore, and tries to interpret it's historical meaning.