經濟學上之三大生產要素爲勞動、土地、資本,而素來研究日治時期臺灣經濟史方面的論述,多半以資本或土地爲基點,極少採用以勞動力爲主軸的分析架構,尤其是原住民勞動力。然而對一個尚未進入貨幣經濟體制及土地公有的部落社會,勞動力的分析角度應較資本與土地更合適。 若以原住民勞動力爲研究基點而展開時,將會涉及以下三個重要問題: 1)原住民勞動力如何被納入殖民國家體制內? 2)具有極大社會差距的原住民勞動者如何被訓練而進化以適應殖民經濟之所需? 3)日本政府如何利用這些已被吸納入殖民體制內的原住民勞動力? 本論文僅探討第三個問題。 九成的山地原住民勞動力用於自家營生所需,加上日警的指導與監督,而形成特殊的番社經濟。以全體東部原住民而言,佔一成的剩餘勞動力有半數被利用於殖民體制內,進行土木建築、搬運、林業、開墾等工作,殖民政府因此獲得龐大的利益,並對東部經濟有極大貢獻。但由於原住民勞動力的供給必須以日警強制爲前提,因此其中涉及不少人權問題,譬如歧視與剝削。
The studies of economic history of Taiwan were usually from a capital or land approach, and very few focused on labor force, especially the aboriginal labor force. If the aboriginal labor force approach is used, 3 questions will be involved in: 1) How the aboriginal labor force were brought into the colonial state mechanism? 2) Having huge gap with modem society, how the aboriginal labor were trained in order to suit for the needs of colonial economic system? 3) After the aboriginal labor force had been suck up and trained as product factor of state economic system, how it was used by Japanese colonial government? 90% of the aboriginal labor force was used for their livelihood with the supervision and instruction of Japanese police. Then a peculiar aboriginal tribe economy was been made. Half of the surplus labor force was used in the colonial economic system, especially the Ami people. It created tremendous profit for Japanese government, and had great contribution on economic development of eastern Taiwan. But the coercive measure from Japanese police was the essential prerequisite of tribe labor supply. So there existed a lot of questions about human rights, such as wage discrimination and exploitation.