日治時期在成廣澳一帶所進行的土調調查與林野整理工作,對當地阿美族的傳統社會造成深遠的影響。土地調查後,各部落的空間界限被明確界定,傳統可耕可獵的土地被侷限在特定範圍內,其他土地均被劃為官有地。惟在固定的部落整理區域內,共業地之分割,也將造成各戶土地普遍狹小的現象。 就日人之統治而言,經過土地調查與林野整理後,強化了對於土地與人口的控制,並將原住民逐步納入現代國家的控制管理機制當中。在此過程中,阿美族傳統社會亦面臨衝擊,在土地的管理上,部落頭目的角色被官方取代。傳統上原來以年長女性為家長,重視家庭共居的社會習俗,也開始轉變。家庭共居的現象因共業地的分割而分家,家庭的組織與規模因而產生變化,戶長也開始出現男性,造成了繼承上的問題。
The results of the land ownership survey (土地調查) and forest arrangement (林野整理) made the traditional lifeway of the Amis far-reaching effects during the Japanese rule. After the land ownership survey, the divides of the Amis tribes in Ginkongour were confirmed. The ownership of the land that outside the Buluo (部落) was adjudged to the Japanese government and the Amis couldn't hunt and cultivated arbitrarily. For the Japanese, the results of the land ownership survey (土地調查) and forest arrangement (林野整理) enhanced the control of the Amis and their land. The Japanese government took the place of the headman (頭目) in the role that administer the land. The conventionality of the land ownership in Amis tribes was co-ownership. But the Japanese partitioned the co-ownership into individual ownership, and then the correlative conventionalities were changed in the meantime.