日治時期東臺灣的電力事業以民營為主,有別於臺灣西部電力事業由國策會社臺灣電力株式會社主控的情況。如以區域來劃分,臺東廳和花蓮港廳有各自統屬的電力事業;以時間來劃分,1938年花蓮港完工導致1939年東臺灣電力株式會社之成立,該會社以發展花蓮港廳的工業化為主要目的,此舉則拉開花蓮港廳和臺東廳發展之差距。 雖然東臺灣的電力事業有獨立發展的空間,但它亦受臺灣電力事業整體發展之影響,不論是電力事業之合併,或新電力事業之成立,皆有內在關聯。臺灣西部1920、1940年兩波電力事業之合併,都影響東臺灣電力事業的競合。1920年的第一波合併中,1918年成立的臺東電燈株式會社,改成位於桃園的臺灣合同電氣株式會社之臺東營業所;1917年成立的花蓮港電燈株式會社則仍維持獨立作業,1922年改稱花蓮港電氣株式會社。1940年國策會社臺灣電力株式會社統一臺灣西部的電力事業,位處東部的臺灣合同電氣株式會社臺東營業所,這由東部電氣株式會社(前身為花蓮港電氣株式會社)所合併,東臺灣的電力事業亦暫告統一。 東臺灣的電力事業在1938年花蓮港築港完工後,有了不同階段的發展。1939年成立的東臺灣電力株式會社,是個由日本新興企業所合組的會社,由有意到花蓮港廳、發展的電氣化學企業合資組成,計畫以大規模發電確立東部工業發展之動力,這是1934年日月潭完工後,到高雄港發展的電氣化學事業所帶來的連續性影響。但是東部工業化的計畫,在已陸續完工的電廠為颱風掩埋,加上日本戰局日益緊縮的況下,臺灣史上東臺灣工業化發展在已開始、無法持續的情況下停止。
During the Japanese rule period, most of the electricity supply in western Taiwan was under control of the state-policy company, Taiwan Power Company. Differs from that, private ownership of electricity supply was common in eastern Taiwan. At the same time, either Taitung or Hualien had its own electricity supply. Hualien Harbor was finished in 1938, Eastern Taiwan Power Company was founded next year. This new company aimed to develop industrialization of Hualien, Taitung's development was backward since then. However, the development of electricity supply in eastern Taiwan was still inf1uenced by the whole island. Electricity supply in western Taiwan was merged in 1920 and 1940. At the former period, Taitung Light Company was merged to a Tauyuan company. At the second period, Taiwan Power Company merged the electricity supply in western Taiwan, electricity supply in eastern Taiwan was united at the same time for a short period. The Sun-moon Lake electricity supply was established in 1934, it led the electrical chemistry into Kaushong. After then, eastern Taiwan Power Company was founded in 1939. It's a company collaborated by some new-risen Japanese industry related to electrical chemistry, planed to develop large-scale power as the basement of industrialization in eastern Taiwan. The plan Was failed to accomplish, because of a huge typhoon destroyed the electricity supply and Japan's difficult situation at the end of the second world war. The industrialization in eastern Taiwan was started, but it could not be continuous and stopped.