Background: Spare-part surgery is a concept applied to treat multiple-digit injury. Tissues from non-salvageable digits such as vessel, bone, tendon and skin have been used as grafts or even as free flaps for reconstruction. The use of spare parts minimizes the need for donor tissue while restoring as much function as possible. Aim and objectives: We report a patient with a multiple-digit crush injury of the left hand. A free pulp flap from the severely damaged middle finger was transferred to optimize the function of the ring finger. Materials and Methods: A 28 years old male worker with no medical history was sent to the emergency department after sustaining a crush injury to the left hand. The middle finger had the most severe damage and the distal phalanx was non-salvageable. There was segmental thrombosis inside the digital artery and no spurting occurred after it was trimmed back. There was a pulp defect on the ring finger with exposure of the distal phalanx and flexor digitorum profundus. A free pulp flap was harvested and transferred from the middle finger to resurface the defect of the ring finger. Results: The heterotopic pulp transfer to the ring finger achieved good function as measured in long-term follow up. Sensation recovery was demonstrated with two-point discrimination (TPD) of 8mm at the 2.5-month follow up and of 6mm at the 4-month follow up. The active of range of motion (ROM) the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint of the ring finger was 0-70 degrees and the ring finger also showed good grip function at the 5-month follow up. Conclusion: Tissues from non-salvageable digits can be dissected and harvested for use as free flaps for the digits with the best chance of function. Heterotopic free pulp flap was used to replace like with like, creating a sensitized flap.