

曾檢驗血清鈉量的1172病例中174病例的血清鈉量為145mEq/L以下,佔14.8%。共死亡率為15.5%。血鈉過少症最多發生於2歲以下的小孩,佔全部病例之51.7%。新生兒血鈉過少症之死亡率最高,達到42.8%。血鈉過少症最多發生於胃腸疾病,佔全病例的43.6%,腎疾病17.2%,感染症11.5%,新生兒疾病8.1%,複雜疾病6.4%,腦神經疾病4.6%,心臟疾病2.9%,惡性腫瘤1.1%,肝疾病0.6%。 小孩急性下痢症病例之血鈉過少症發生率為16.0%;其中赤痢病孩之血鈉過少發生率却為30.0%。併發痙攣的下痢症病孩之血清鈉濃度最多是在126至145mEq/L之間。新生兒疾病之血鈉過少症發生率為17.3%,腎疾病為22.6%,感染症17.4%,腦神經疾病為11.1%,營養失調症16.5%,循環系統疾病為25.0%,惡性腫瘤為6.1%,肝疾病為18.2%。 血鈉過少症的臨床症狀為疲倦,意識障害,蒼白,食慾不振,易刺戟性,顫搐及發汗等。




During the years from 1962 to 1967, blood specimens from 1172 hospitalized children were analyzed for sodium level. 174 children (14.8 per cent) showed a serum sodium level of less than 129 mEq/L. The mortality rate of children with a serum sodium level of less than 129 mEq/L was 15.5 per cent. 51.7 per cent of hyponatremic children were less than two years' old. The mortality rate of hyponatremic newborns was 42.8 per cent. 43.6 per cent of hyponatremic children had gastrointestinal diseases, 17.2 per cent had renal diseases, 11.5 per cent had infectious diseases, 8.6 per cent had neonatal diseases, 6.4 per cent had complicated diseases, 4.6 per cent had central nervous system diseases, 2.9 per cent had cardiovascular diseases, 1.1 per cent had malignancy, and 0.6 per cent had liver diseases. The serum sodium, levels of the children with diarrhea complicated with convulsions were mostly in the range from 126 to 145 mEq/L. Hyponatremia occurred in 17.3 per cent of cases with neonatal diseases, 22.6 per cent of renal diseases, 17.4 per cent of infectious diseases, 11.1 per cent of central nervous system diseases, 15.6 per cent of malnutrition, 25.0 per cent of cardiovascular diseases, 6.1 per cent of malignancy, and 18.2 per cent of liver diseases. The clinical symptoms of hyponatremia were weakness, disturbances of consciousness, palor, anorexia, irritability, twitching and profuse sweating.



