  • 期刊


Epidemiological and Clinical Observations on Parainfluenza Virus Infections in Children



副流行性感冒病毒感染(Parainfluenza virus infections以下簡稱本病)是小兒急性呼吸系道最容易感染之重要疾病之一(上標 1)),每年初春至秋冬有散發性的流行,或是地域性流行於世界各地(上標 2)),自從Chanock(上標 3)),於1956年由小兒Croup患者分離出本病毒以來,嗣後在小白鼠、牛、豬、猿等動物也被分離,經過多位學者(Fukumi,Hamparian & Hilleman et al. (上標 4)) )之研究才被分為人型及動物型二大類。本研究為對人型第1,2,3型之討論。 在臺灣對本病之研究資料,證明健康成人與高年兒血清抗體保有率很高(上標 5)6)),並且用組識培養方法全年中散發地分離出各型本病毒(上標 7)),因此可證明本病毒確曾在臺灣流行過,很可能分散於各地,隨時都有引起地域性流行之可能,為瞭解在臺彎本病之流行病學及臨床症狀,於民國58年4月至8月間採集202件檢體,用血清診斷及組織培養方法檢查本症,玆將所得結果提出報告以供參攷。




Epidemiological and clinical observation on parainfluenza virus infection in infants and children had been done since April to August, 1969. During this period totally 202 cases with respiratory disease were seen at the hospital. For virus isolation, the throat swab were taken from each patient and 22 parainfluenza virus were isolated from these specimens. 26 paired sera were collected for serological test and 10 cases of them showed significant rise of antibody titer and those 10 cases including 3 positive cases of virus isolation. Therefore, those 29 cases of parainfluenza virus infection proved by serological test, virus isolation or by both. Their results of study were summarized as follows: 1. The viruses were isolated every month, from April through August, 1969 with highest incidence of April (13.4%) and May (13.6%). 2. In all these 22 cases, the parainfluenza virus was isolated during first 4 days of illness and there were two cases of Type 1, seven cases of Type 2, thirteen cases of Type 3. 3. 29 cases of parainfluenza infections proved by either virus isolation or by serological test, 16 cases were male and 13 cases were female. 4. Age distribution showed: 23.5% were under 6 months of age, 8.6% were 7-11 months, 7.5% were 1-2 years old, 9.1% were 2-3 years old, 25% were 3-5 years old. 5. In clinical manifestations, high fever and cough were the main symptoms, and then moist rales, rhinorrhea, diarrhea, prostration, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and skin rash were demonstrated in order. All of them had the same features of respiratory illness. 6. The isolation rate of parainfluenza virus in upper respiratory infection, bronchiolitis and pneumonia were 17.5%, 11.5% and 14% respectively. The isolation rate in upper respiratory infection was higher than that of lower respiratory infection, and the Type 3 seemed to be much more primarily responsible for lower respiratory tract infection.


