  • 期刊

Erythrocyte Pyruvate Kinase Activities of Chinese Newborn Infants with Neonatal Jaundice

中國新生兒紅血球Pyruvate kinase活性與黃疸之研究



作者使用Beutler的方法,對臺大醫院嬰兒室340個新生兒及52個因高膽紅素血症住小兒科病房之病兒作紅血球Pyruvate kinase缺乏症之檢查,結果392個接受檢查之新生兒均呈正常,沒有發現有缺乏症之病兒。 對19個正常成人及37個沒有血型不合所引起溶血之新生兒,測定其紅血球Pyruvate kinase活性的結果:正常成人爲:2.86±0.66 μM/10^10 r. b. c.;新生兒爲:4.42±0.75 μM/10^10 r. b. c.;新生兒之血球Pyruvate kinase活性顯然比成人爲高,兩性之間並無顯著差別;新生兒頭六天之紅血球Pyruvate kinase活性頗爲恒定,其平均活性介於4.05~5.02 μM/10^10 r. b. c.之間,而紅血球Pyruvate kinase活性與血清膽色素高峰濃度並無相關關係。 Pyruvate kinase缺乏性溶血在臺灣乃一種罕見的疾病,此種紅血球酵素缺乏在臺灣並非引起新生兒高膽紅素血症之重要原因。




Three hundred and forty healthy Chinese term newborn infants and 52 sick newborns with severe jaundice were screened for erythrocyte pyruvate kinase deficiency by Beutler's spot test. The enzyme activity of all of the 392 infants tested were shown to be normal. A quantitative assay of the erythrocyte pyruvate kinase was carried out in 19 adults and 37 newborn infants. The enzyme activity in healthy Chinese adults and newborn infants were 2.86±0.66 μM per 10^10 red blood cells and 4.42±0.75 μM per 10^10 red blood cells respectively. The newborn infant had a significantly higher enzyme level than that by the adult. No significant sex difference of the enzyme activity was noted. The mean erythrocyte pyruvate kinase activity was noted as rather constant during the first week of life with a range of 4.05 to 5.02 μM per 10^10 red blood cells. The peak serum bilirubin levels have no correlation with the erythrocyte pyruvate kinase activities. It is concluded that pyruvate kinase deficiency should be a rare occurrence, and is not an important factor responsible for high incidence of hyperbilirubinemia of the Chinese newborn infants in Taiwan.


