  • 期刊


A Clinical Observation of Primary Peritonitis







During the past six years, eighteen children were diagnosed as having primary peritonitis at the Mackay Memorial Hospital. The age ranged from 4 to 12 years with an average of seven and a half years. Fifteen patients were female. Abdominal pain, fever, irritability, vomiting, and tenderness, rigidity and distention of the abdomen were common symptoms and signs. Half of the patients had diarrhea. Bowel sounds were usually hypoactive, but were hyperactive initially in two cases. The diagnosis of primary peritonitis was made by abdominal paracentesis of the aspicated fluid and positive culture in thirteen patients. Of which eleven were treated successfully with parenteral antibiotics alone. The clinical response in these cases was characterized by resolution of the symptoms and signs of peritonitis within seventy-two hours without surgery. Surgical exploration was performed in two patients because of persistence of fever and abdominal pain despite antibotics therapy for more than 72 hours. Other five patients received laparatomy shorthy after admission either because of failure to demonstrate bacteria on the smear of the aspirated fluid (2 cases), or the symptoms and signs mimicked that of acute appendicitis (3 cases). These 5 ptients responded to antibiotic therapy dramatically following the operation. The commonest pathogenic organism responsible for the primary peritonitis in this series was pneumococcus. Streptococcus was less frequently found in two patients. E. coli was found in two, and staphylococcus in one patient respectively. All of the 18 patients recovered completely, and the average duration of hospitalization was 10 days.


