  • 期刊


Chinese Child Development Inventory: A Tentative Normative Data



將Minnesota Child Development Inventory的320條有關兒童發展的具體行爲描述逐條譯成中文,經四次試用和修訂後,將其改編爲適合於我國使用且其信度令人滿意的「學齡前兒童行爲發展量表」。民國64年暑期,自臺北市城中區衛生所管鎋的出生滿6個月至6歲半兒童7,690名,分爲33個年齡層,以分層隨機取樣方式抽出健康且家長願意合作的1,293名(男662名,女631名),做爲收集常模資料的對象。就該量表所包括的8個行爲項目的每項,求出年齡與得分間的迴歸曲線方程式和相關係數,結果顯示本量表的效度額高,因爲除了一般發展的相關係數是.837之外,其他7個發展項目的相關係數都大於.90。以6個月爲單元,求出每單元年齡與得分對數值之r^2值,檢視每一單元的發展年齡區分功效,結果發現每一項目都有1或2個年齡段的發展年齡區分功效較高。使用每一發展項目的迴歸曲線方程式,求出每一年齡層所相對的得分乃成該項目的常模。爲了使用上的方便,設計了常模簡圖,8個發展項目各以一條縱桿標示每一年齡層的得分,縱桿的着色部份乃表示着色所包括的年齡段其發展年齡區分功效較高。




The Minnesota Child Development Inventory (MCDI) was revised to be applicable to Chinese culture. The Chinese version of the MCDI, i.e. the Chinese Child Development Inventory (CCDI), had to be revised 4 times in order to make it reliable. Through stratified random sampling, 1,293 (662 males and 631 females) healthy children aged from 6 months to 6½ years, devided into 33 age layers, were selected out of the 7,690 children to determine the normative data of the CCDI. For each of the 8 developmental areas, a scattergram of age versus raw score was plotted and the curvilinear regression and coefficient of correlation calculated. The validity of the CCDI was judged to be adequate because the correlation coefficients for all of the developmental areas were above .90 except general development which was .837. For each developmental area, the age range within which the scores were of higher age discriminating sensitivity was determined by compareing the coefficient of determination of each 6-month age interval. In this normative data, sex difference was found to be significant only in a few of the developmental areas at several of the 33 age layers. A larger sample might detect more consistent sex differences. Therefore, the norm was established jointly for males and females. For each developmental area, the curvilinear regression equation was utilized to determine the corresponding normative score of each age layer. Then, as with the MCDI, the normative data of the CCDI was presented as a bargraph. Each bar represents one developmental area and contains one or two shadowed portions indicating the age range or ranges of higher age discriminating sensitivity. Certain issues which should be taken into consideration in future endeavor to establish a more representative and comprehensive norm were cited with a brief discussion.


