  • 期刊

Effect of Milk Formulae on Plasma Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium Concentrations of the Newborn




著者以85位正常成熟新生兒分四組各以全鮮奶加5%蔗糖、2/3濃度鮮奶加4%蔗糖、市面上出售之13%改質奶粉及母乳哺育。於第六天檢查血清鈣、鎂及磷值,以探討不同養育法對於新生兒血清鈣、鎂及磷值之影響。 結果以全鮮奶、稀釋奶、改質奶及母奶餵食嬰兒之第六天平均血清鈣值各為8.9,9.1,9.2及9.7mg%,平均鎂值各為1.8,1.9,2.0及2.1 mg%,而平均磷值各為7.0,6.8,6.2及5.1 mg%。母乳養育兒之血清鈣及鎂值顯然比人工營養兒為高而磷值低;使用全鮮乳餵食之嬰兒當中發現30%有顯著高血清磷值15%有低血清鈣及15%嬰兒有低鎂值;2/3稀釋鮮奶未能改善這種現象;使用13%改質奶粉哺育之嬰兒血清鈣、鎂及磷值介於鮮奶與母奶餵食兒之間,此羣嬰兒中只有5%嬰兒有顯著高血清磷值,卻沒有顯著低血情鈣或鎂值。




The plasma calcium, magnesium and inorganic phosphorus concentrations on the 6th day of life were investigated in 85 healthy term infants on one of the four different feeding regimens, namely whole cow's milk with 5% sugar and two-third strength cow's milk with 4% sugar added, 13% modified powder milk and breast milk. Plasma calcium and magnesium levels were higher and phosphorus levels lower in the breast-fed infants than those in the artificially-fed infants. On whole cow's milk with 5% sugar added, 30% of the infants showed markedly increased levels of plasma phosphorus, 15% of them low plasma calcium and 15% of them low plasma magnesium concentrations. Dilution of cow's milk to two-third strength did not alter these plasma levels. Infants fed 13% modified powder milk had the plasma values intermediate between those receiving whole cow's milk with 5% sugar added and breast milk, only 5% of the infants in this group showed high level of phosphorus and none showed markedly decreased calcium and magnesium concentrations. It is concluded that the use of 13% modified cow's milk for infant feeding therefore should reduce the incidence of decreased level of plasma calcium and magnesium and increased level of plasma phosphorus.
