  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Temperamental Characteristics of Chinese Babies



個體天生俱來的獨特行為表現模式稱為「氣質」, Thomas和Chess以因素分析法將氣質確認為活動量、規律性、趨避性、適應度、反應閾、反應強度、情緒本質、注意力分散度及堅持度等九項互相獨立的具體行為表現。本文以254名4到7個月的正常嬰兒為研究對象,其中男嬰137名,女嬰117名;研究對象之家庭社會經濟狀況指數的分布情形與臺北市西門國民小學的學生相似;使用Carey嬰幼兒氣質量表評估其氣質特徵,並以此結果作為國內嬰幼兒氣質的初步常模。該量表的內容使用於我國,結果發現並無文化差異;而且經由該量表所獲得的資料之信度與效度均令人滿意。男嬰與女嬰在九項氣質的表現,都未發現性別上的顯著差異。家庭社會經濟狀況較好的嬰兒,其適應度與反應閾二項氣質的表現比家庭科會經濟狀況較差者為高。在九個氣質項目中,除了注意力分散度之外,其他八個氣質項目我國嬰兒的平均得分與Carey的美國常模有顯著的差異,此似表示氣質特徵有種族的獨特性。高度及中度養育困難嬰兒的出現率,我國的結果亦與Carey的報告不同;即高度養育困難者我國較少而中度養育困難者我國較多。對於Carey嬰幼兌氣質量表的某些缺點,本文亦提出改進意見。




The tremendous impact of the inborn temperamental characteristics of each baby upon the quality of parent-child interaction, development, process of socialization and emergence of deviant behaviors has been drawing more and more attention of those who are concerned with the wholesome development of children. Carey developed a handy questionnaire for measuring the temperamental characteristics of infants and established a tentative norm for practical use in 1972. The present study was intended to assess the applicability of Carey's temperamental questionnaire in our culture and also to obtain a preliminary data on Chinese infants' temperament. Altogether, 254 babies (137 male and 117 female), aged 4 to 7 months, who were born at the Mackay Memorial and Cathay Hospital fitted to the criteria of ”normal baby”, were included in this study. The result of the trial use of the Chinese version showed that the 70 questions of Carey's questionnaire were not culture biased. The test-retest reliability and validity of the Chinese version were both satisfactory. The main findings of this preliminary study are listed below. 1. No significant sex difference was found in all of the nine temperamental items as measured by the questionnaire. 2. Except for distractibility, the mean scores for the Chinese babies on the rest of 8 temperamental items were all signiffcantly different from those for the American babies. This finding agrees with that of DeVeries and Summeroff and strongly indicates the racial difference of temperamental characteristics. 3. Babies from higher socioeconomic background were rated by the mother as having higher adaptability and higher threshold of responsiveness. 4. The percentages of babies pertaining to the categories of ”difficult child” and ”intermittent difficult child” showed a significant racial difference. 5. A few technical issues which can be improved to bring up the quality of the questionnaire were found.


