  • 期刊


Maternal Factors Influencing the Birth Weight



胎兒的發育一部份是由於基因的影響,另一部份是受母體懷孕期間生理,心理情況的影響。我們以民國63年1月至65年12月在臺大醫院生產之7,308位正常新生兒(男3,778位,女3,530位)為對象,選取其5個母體方面的因素,包括母親年齡、身高、體重、胎次和懷孕週數,企圖發現這5個因素與胎兒出生體重之相關,任一個母體因素和嬰兒出生體重在去除其他4個母體因素之共同影響後,所得之淨相關為何?若我們掌握了母體之5項因素的資料後,是否能預測嬰兒之出生體重?其預測能力是否能接近百分之五十?(即R^2, deter: mination of coefficient決定係數達百分之五十)。 結果,我們發現不論性別,與嬰兒出生體重相關較高之母體因素為母親體重,次為懷孕週數,再次為胎次,但僅前二者之相關達顯著意義。由浄相關係數看來亦大致如此,僅母視身高在去除其他4因素之影響後驟然下降。以母體之5變數求得之複廻歸線是可以預測嬰兒之出生體重,唯效果並未接近百分之五十,顯示嬰兒出生體重還受到其他母體因素之影響,有待進一步的研究。




The fetal development bases partially on the genetic factors as well as on maternal factors. We collected 7,308 normal newborns delivered in the National Taiwan University Hospital from Jan. 1974 to Dec. 1976. We obtained five maternal variables, such as maternal age, height, weight, parity, and gestational age, and find out how these five maternal factors influence the normal birth weight through three methods: 1. simple correlation matrix to see the correlation between two of the five maternal variales and fetal birth weight. 2. partial correlation to detect how one maternal factor relates with the birth weight, when the effect of the other four factors is eliminated. 3. multiple regression to predict the normal birth weight from the five maternal variables and to find the determination power of the regression equations. We conclude that the maternal weight has the highest simple and partial correlation with the normal birth weight, and the multiple regression equation can predict the normal birth weight with a determination power of only 20%, indicating that there must be other influencing maternal factors, which need further investigations.
