  • 期刊


Bochdalek Diaphragmatic Hernia with Delayed Onset: Report of Two Cases



報告兩例遲發性Bochdalek型橫肉膈赫尼亞,第1例爲5個月大的女嬰,右橫膈的後外側有4×4 cm的缺損;第2例爲3個月胖大的男嬰,左橫膈的後外側有5×6cm的缺損。兩側均無赫尼亞囊,且無任何胸腹外傷病史,給予緊急手術後均存活。遲發性Bochdalek型橫膈赫尼亞,因症狀變異性大,且胸部X光的表現也較不典型,常易誤爲胸腹部的原發性疾病;爲避免誤診,應對此病存有警覺性。




Two cases of Bochdalek diaphragmatic hernia with delayed onset are reported. The first patient was 5-month-old female who was admitted because of productive cough, high fever and mid dyspnea. The second patient was a three and a half months old male who was admitted because of cough, high fever, dyspnea and mild cyanosis. Both of them had obvious physical signs including decreased breath sounds with distinct bowel sounds over the affected side of the chest and shift of the maximal cardiac impulse. Radiographic findings, such as cardiac and mediastinal shift to the opposite side and gas-filled loops of the bowels above the diaphragm, were characteristic of the disease, At operation, the first case was found to have a 4×4cm defect in the posterolateral part of the right hemidiaphragm and the second case was found to have a 5×6cm defect in the posterolateral part of the left hemidiaphragm. No hernia sac was found in both of the two cases. Postoperative courses of the two caves were smooth.
