  • 期刊

A Comparison Among Quantitative, Dye Reduction and Fluorescent Spot Tests for G-6-PD Deficiency




在台灣地區,葡萄糖六磷酸鹽脫氫(G-6-PD)缺乏症,咸認是新生兒黃疸,藥物引起之溶血性貧血,及蠶豆中毒症的重要原因。本研究將210人依G-6-PD之活性分成三組:(1)重度酵素缺乏者(酵素缺乏者(酵素活性在正常值之10%以下)。(2)輕度酵素缺乏者(酵素活性在正常值之10~60%之間)。(3)正常者(酵素活性在正常值之60%以上),然後將此每人的血同時用quantitative, dye reduction,及fluorescent spottests檢驗之。其結果顯示:fluorescent spot test在測定男性G-6-PD缺乏者其sensitiviey(敏感性及specificity(特異性)爲100%,而在測定正常女性者其凖確定亦爲100%。此檢驗法又可篩檢出一些輕度酵素缺乏者。作者認爲fluorescent spot test實爲一簡便、經濟且正確之G-6-PD缺乏症的篩檢法。




Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency continues to be a main cause of neonatal hyperbilitrubinemia, drug-induced hemolytic anemia and favism in Taiwan. In an effort to find a cost efficient and effective G-6-PD deficiency screening means, 210 cases were arbitrarily divided into three classes according to the quantitative activities in red cells, i.e. gross enzyme deficiency (<10% of normal), partial enzyme deficiency (10-60% of normal) and normal enzyme activities (>60% of normal). Then each case was screened with quantitative, dye reduction and fluorescent spot tests at the same time. The results revealed that the fluorescent spot test has 100% sensitivity and specificity in hemizygous males and is 100% effective in ruling out this disorder in normalfemales; it can pick up some (5/30) of the partial enzyme deficiency according to our criteria of fluorescent intensity. Therefore, the fluorescent spot test can be used as a simple, low cost, acceptable, and reliable mass screening means for G-6-FD deficiency.
