  • 期刊

An Analysis of Prognostic Factors for Submersion Accidents in Children




彰化基督教醫院小兒科自民國72年至79年,共經歷47例年齡在15歲以下的溺水患者,依出院時狀況區分爲三組:第一組爲存活且正常者有22例;第二組爲存活但神經學檢查不正常者10例;第三組爲死亡者有15例。並對性別、年齡、場所、季節、估計的溺水時間、現場有否施予急救、是否經由他院轉送、到院時體溫、有無心跳、呼吸、Orlowski score以及經修飾過的生理穩定指標(physiologic stability index)作一分析,發現下列結果:性別方面,男女比爲3:1(35/12);年齡方面,以3歲以下最常見佔46%(30/47),其次爲3至6歲佔21%(10/47);季節方面,夏季(七月至九月)爲高峰期,佔45%(21/47);發生場所以魚池最多佔60%(28/47),由於大多數並不知道溺水時間的長短,故無法比較其對存活或死亡者的影響。此外,現場有否施予急救,是否經由他院轉送,對預後並沒有影響。測量到院時體溫,發現第一組都在35℃以上,第二組在35℃以上佔70%(7/10),第三組47%(7/15);第一組到院時皆有心跳、呼吸,第二組90%(9/10)到院時有心跳、呼吸,第三組33%(9/15);第一組95%(21/22)Orlowski score在兩分或兩分以下,第二組50%(5/10),第三組33%(5/15);第一組PSI皆在七分或七分以下,第二組50%(5/10),第三組皆在七分以上。 我們得到的結論爲小兒溺水以男性、3歲以下、發生在夏季、魚池最多。分組方面,是否經由他院轉送,對預後並沒有影響。根據國外文獻報告,溺水現場的急救與否對預後影響極大,但在我們的統計上,並沒有差異,顯示國人在急救訓練上仍有待加強。另外,到院有心跳、呼吸,體溫35℃以上,以及Orlowski score兩分或兩分以下,PSI七分或七分以下,具有這些特性者,其預後比較好。




The case histories of 47 consecutive pediatric submersion victims admitted to the Changhua Christian Hospital from 1983 to 1990 were retrospectively reviewed for patient status on arrival and eventual outcome. Age, sex, season, location, estimated submersion time, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at the scene, vital signs on arrival, Orlowski core, modified physiologic stability index (PSI) scoring system were analyzed. Patient outcome, based on the status at discharge, was categorized as (1) 22 patients survived intact, with normal findings on neurologic examination; (2) 10 patients had neurologic insults, with abnormal neurologic findings including mental retardation; (3)15 patients died. The results clearly demonstrated that there were no differences among these three groups in the variables of estimated submersion time, CPR at the scene, referral from local medical clinics. The prominent characteristics of pediatric submersion were male (74%), age below three years (64%), summer season (45%) and fishpool (60%). The favorable prognostic factors were a body temperature greater than thirty-five centigrade, detectable heart beat and respiration on arrival, Orlowski score below two and PSI below seven.
