  • 期刊

Pyogenic Sacroiliitis in Children: Report of Three Cases




兒童的化膿性骶髂關節炎並不常見,根據文獻記載,大多發生在青少年期或青春期,約佔兒童化膿性關節炎的1.5%。自1978年至1990年,我們共有三病例,年齡分別是12歲、14歲和15歲,2男1女。三例中的二例有先前的皮膚化膿性感染,三例在臨床上皆以發燒、畏寒、跛行及患側臀部疼痛來表現。理學檢查最重要的是骨盆壓迫試驗,讓病人平躺,檢查者用手壓迫病人兩側髂脊,將引起患側骶髂關節激烈的疼痛,此一檢查對本文的三例而言皆為陽性。 病人血液像通常呈白血球數增加,紅血球沉降速率上升。骨盆X光攝影在急性期多呈陰性,但核子醫學掃瞄對本病之早期診斷則有很大的幫忙,電腦斷層掃瞄及磁振造影可以用來評估本病有無併發骨盆腔內膿瘍。有一病例在電腦斷層掃瞄下只有關節炎的變化,但是磁振造影卻發現有骨盆腔內膿瘍形成,似乎磁振造影以其對軟組織有較佳的解像力及可以做多種切面的造影,對膿瘍形成的評估比電腦斷層掃瞄更為有用。 細菌學的診斷可用關節液或血液培養來建立,骶髂關節的穿刺不容易做,我們三個病例都失敗了,文獻建議可在X光透視的引導下進行。致病菌絕大多數是金黃色葡萄球菌,我們的三例雖未能取得關節液做培養,但血液培養皆長出金黃色葡萄球菌,此點亦可說明本病是一先前的細菌感染再引起血行蔓延而致病。 關於治療,原則是以抗生素靜注一至二週,如果致病菌能分離出來而且感受性試驗證實藥物有效,便可改為口服,不過還是要以病人臨床症狀的改善,紅血球沉降速率降低及所用的抗生素在血清中的殺菌效價來評估我們治療的效果,抗生素治療時間的長短未有定論,一般建議至少三週,我們的三例分別使用了5、6及7週的抗生素,有一例由磁振造影發現併發膿瘍而使用了較長時間的抗生素。本病通常不需要外科手術,從文獻及我們的經驗得知,即使化膿性骶髂關節炎併發膿瘍生成,以今日抗生素的發達,若給予有效,足夠劑量且較長時間的抗生素治療,以系列電腦斷層掃瞄或磁振造影來追蹤膿瘍的變化,不失為一適當的方法可以使病人免於手術之苦。 兒童的化膿性骶髂關節炎,預後很好,只要早期診斷,及早治療,多能完全復原而無後遺症。




We report three children who were treated for pyogenic infection of the sacroiliac joint. The disease, usually present in late childhood or adolescence, is uncommon and difficult to assess so that the diagnosis is usually delayed. The three patients were two boys and one girl, aged 14, 15 and 12 years, respectively. A detailed history and physical examination are very important for establishment of the diagnosis. All the three cases presented with typical clinical triad of fryer, limping gait and buttock pain. Pelvis compression maneuver, which directly stresses the sacroiliac joint, may aggravate the joint pain and suggest this diagnosis. On physical examination, this test is positive in all our cases. Nuclear scintigraphy is useful for localization of early lesions. For detecting abscess formation, magnetic resonance imaging was performed in two cases and computed tomography in one. In one of the patients, computed tomography failed to demonstrate an iliopsoas abscess formation, which was proved by magnetic resonance imaging later. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from blood in all three patients. Prompt antibiotic therapy reduces complication and operation is rarely needed. With rapid and appropriate medical treatment, all our patients recovered without any sequelae.
