  • 期刊

Unilateral Pulmonary Vein Stenosis with Atrial Septal Defect: Report of One Case



肺靜脈狹窄是一種少見的先天性心臓病,大多數的病例會發生反覆性的呼吸道感染,肺高壓症,右心衰竭或肺水腫,其臨床病程視阻塞的嚴重程度而有不同。約有半數病例合併其它先天性心臓病,其中有的也會在未合併肺靜脈狹窄時,單獨産生上述症狀。是以肺靜脈狹窄的診斷更易被忽略。 本篇報告一例男嬰,患有心房中隔缺損自六個月大即發生反覆性的呼吸道感染,七個月大經心導管診斷左側上,下肺靜脈狹窄。因其症狀惡化,嘗試經靜脈氣球擴張術無效,而在八個月大接受開心手術,進行肺靜脈整型及心房中隔缺損修補,成效良好。


A male infant with stenosis of the left pulmonary veins and atrial septal defect is reported. He began to have repeated pulmonary infections, with poor response to medical treatment, when he was 6 months old. Localized stenosis of the left upper and lower pulmonary veins were diagnosed with cardiac catheterization at the age of 7 months. Transvenous balloon dilation was attempted, but failed. Surgical treatment with pericardial patch venoplasty of the left pulmonary veins and closure of the atrial septal defect successfully released the pulmonary venous obstruction. There has been a follow-up for more than one year, and no cardiopulmonary symptoms were reported.
