

為推廣母乳哺育,本院除了進行醫護人員再教育、成立哺乳推動小組、準媽媽教室及衛教單張、不定時的隨需求哺乳、出院後電話追蹤及鼓勵等一系列的推廣措施外,也設置了一支24小時熱線電話,提供有關母乳哺育的諮詢服務。母親們可以透過電話直接提出她們的問題,而醫護人員就根據事先編纂好的「哺乳問題解答彙集」來回答。 從1993年1月1日至同年10月31日止共接到201通電話,詢問了340個問題。其中99%是由母親打來的,這些母親中有一半以上是初產婦。高達79.6%的電話是在早上八點到下午四點之間接到的,大部份的問題發生在嬰兒8到14天大時。最常被提出的問題依序為:一)母乳不夠怎麼辦?二)吃母乳的嬰兒大便較稀,次數較繁是否正常?三)什麼時候應該斷奶?四)母親服用藥物時可否餵母乳?五)餵母乳的嬰兒是否需額外餵水或嬰兒奶粉?及六)母親在什麼情況下不能餵母乳? 雖然此哺育母乳諮詢電話之效益,未能單獨評估,包括此諮詢電話在內的本院多方位哺乳推廣計劃,已使住院中之母乳哺育率由計劃實施前的50%增加到73.4%,而哺餵母乳超過一個月的比例也由22.7%增加到42.2%。我們建議行政院衛生署高立免費哺乳諮詢專線,提供出院後的母親更多的幫助,并使母乳哺育更加普及與成功。


母乳哺育 諮詢電話


A 24-hour telephone hot-line functioning as a counseling service and case registry was included in a multi-faceted breast-feeding promotion program. The mothers could speak directly to especially trained staff members in a municipal hospital. All the questions were answered according to an ”Answering Book” which included the anticipated question and the optimum answer. A total of 201 calls, which included 340 problems, were recorded from January 1,1993 to October 31, 1993. Almost all the calls were made by the mothers (99%), and more than half (57.7%) of the mothers were primiparous. Most of the calls (79.6%) were made between 8 AM to 4 PM. The questions were frequently raised when the baby was aged 8 to 14 days (23.4%). The most frequently asked questions were: (1) insufficient milk? (14.1%), (2) frequent and loose stools? (13.2%), (3) weaning? (10.3%), (4) drugs? (6.8%), (5) additional formula or water? (6.2%), and (6) maternal contraindication? (6.2%). Although the impact of this telephone consultation could not be properly evaluated, the incidence of breast-feeding during hospital stay increased from 50% to 73.4%, and breast-feeding for more than 1 month increased from 22.7% to 42.2% before and after the whole promotion program. It is recommended that health care professionals provide more help when the mother leaves the hospital. A nation-wide toll-free telephone operated by the Department of Health to increase the chance of successful breast-feeding is also recommended.


breast-feeding telephone counseling


Sun, H. S. (2009). 芴系硬桿-柔軟嵌段式共聚物:PF-b-P4VP之合成、型態及特性研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.10728
