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Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn due to Anti-Di(superscript a): Report of One Case

因母親Di(上標 a)抗體引起的新生兒溶血症:一病例報告


這是一個由Di(上標 a)抗體引起的生兒溶血報告,在台灣之報告尚屬首例。患者的母親共懷孕五次。頭兩次實施早期人工流産 第三胎爲正常 第四胎亦遭早期人工流産。本病例爲第五胎的男嬰,出生後24小時即有黃膽現象,且膽色素在72小時達到23mg/dl。因此接受換血及加強照光治療。實驗檢查結果,嬰兒直接抗球蛋白試驗4+反應。母親和嬰兒初步抗體節檢均陰性反應。但他們的血清均對Di(a+b+)紅血球有反應,證實爲Di(上標 a)缸體引起的溶血。全部的白種人和大多數國人均爲Di(a+b-)的表現型。在台灣Di(上標 a)血型抗原的表現頻率爲3.2%,即3.2%的人屬於Di(a+b+)或Di(a+b-)。文獻上報告白種人因Diego血型抗體引起的新生兒溶血主要因母親之Di(上標 a)缸體引起。日本的報告認爲在東方民族,因母親Di(上標 b)抗體引起的新生兒溶血症可能要比Di(上標 a)抗體引起的嚴重。但本文中因Di(上標 a)抗體引起之新生兒溶血病例卻是相當嚴重且需要換血。


In the Diego blood group, the frequency of the Di(a+b+) or Di(a+b-) phenotype among Chinese in Taiwan is estimated to be 3.2%. Here we report a case of severe hemolytic disease caused by anti-Di(superscript a). The baby’s total bilirubin elevated to 23mg/dl at the age of 72 hours. A blood exchange transfusion and phototherapy were performed. We suggest to include Diego positive cell panels in testing antibody specificities that are likely to be encountered in this population.
