  • 期刊

Lomatogonium Chilaiensis (Gentianaceae), a Newly Recorded Genus and New Species in Taiwan



本文發表台灣龍膽科(Gentianaceae)的新紀錄屬植物-肋柱花屬(Lomatogonium),以及一新種—萊肋柱花(L. chilaiensis),并提供植物描述及繪圖以供辯識;至目前為止,奇萊肋柱花僅發現於太魯閣國家公園內的奇萊山上,生長於高海拔(約3,100至3,300公尺)的潮溼碎石坡或峭壁上。此新種與另一廣泛分布種—肋柱花(L. carinthiacum)較為相似,但奇萊肋柱花的花冠近白色,花萼裂片幾乎與花冠裂片等長、且花萼裂片前端銳尖,花冠上腺體的附屬物極缺乏或不存在,上述這些特徵則與後者相異。


A newly recorded genus Lomatogonium A. Braun (Gentianaceae) from Taiwan, and a new species L. chilaiensis C. H. Chen & J. C. Wang are described and illustrated. Lomatogonium chilaiensis, thus far known only from one population, was found on the high-altitudinal (ca. 3,100-3,300m) moist gravelly slopes and cliff faces of Mt. Chilaishan of Taroko National Park. The new species is most similar to L. carinthiacum (Wulfen) Reichenbach, a widely distributed species, but differs from the latter by its nearly white corolla, calyx lobes almost equal in length to the corolla lobes, with the apex acute to acuminate, and appendages on nectaries few or absent.
