  • 期刊

Naturalized Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Species in Taiwan: The First Approximation



有鑒于台灣對于入侵植物之基本資料與生態研究的嚴重缺乏,本研究以豆科歸化植物為題材,對歸化及入侵植物的物質進行初步的探討。結果顯示,台灣擁有豆科歸化植物54種,分屬于三個亞科,34屬(11屬為歸化屬)。此數量占全台豆科植物之23.8%,約為全島歸化植物之六分之一。大部份歸化的豆科植物為隸屬于蝶形花亞科(Papilionoideae)的多年生草本植物,在台灣的駐在時間(minimum residence time)多超遇60年。此54種中,有兩種名列世界最惡劣雜草,至少有六種為國際所對環境造成嚴重危害的外來植物。農業或是景觀用途為主要引進綠由,新熱帶地區則是豆科歸化植物的主要原生地。這些外來的植物多以不同的速度擴散,即使是具有相同駐在時間的同屬種類,亦有不同的表現。以南美豬屎豆(Crotalaria zanzibarica)為例,在其駐在的69年間,至少有70個不同的地點被發現,而同屬的翼莖野百合(C.bialata)在相同的駐在時間內,卻僅有三個不同的據點。據我們的推測及分析顯示,此一不同的擴散趨勢,可作為這些物種入侵能力(invasiveness)的指標。


The family Fabaceae (Leguminosae) is used as a starting point for creating a database of naturalized/invasive plant taxa in Taiwan, a Pacific island with very limited available information on plant invasions. A comprehensive list of naturalized Fabaceae, with background infbrmation on origin, habit, life form, and minimum residence time for most of the species is presented. This family is the second largest dicotyledon family in Taiwan. with nonnative species accounting for one-sixth of the naturalized flora of this island: 54 naturalized species (approximately 23.8% of resident legume flora, including native and naturalized species) represent 34 genera (eleven exotic to Taiwan) and three subfamilies Most of the naturalized taxa belong to the subfamily Papilionoideae, and the majority of them are herbaceous perennials with a minimum resident time ≥60 years. Among these naturalized species, two are listed among the world's worst weeds, and at least six of them are known as important environmental weeds in other parts of the world. Most of the naturalized legumes were introduced from the Neotropics, and a notable portion (at least 50%) of them was introduced deliberately for cultivation as forage or ornamentals. Naturalized legumes often exhibit different rates of spread within similar time frames. For example, Crotalaria zanzibarica is known from approximately 70 localities, while C. bialata is known from only three different localities even though both have the same minimum residence time of 69 years. Such differences suggest that different taxa have a different degree of invasiveness.


Tsai, J. K. (2009). 北臺灣地區歸化豆科植物對於植物群落衝擊之研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315171334
Sun, H. T. (2009). 臺灣北部人爲活動與環境因子對外來植物多樣性之影響 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315170351
