  • 期刊

Comparisons of Allozyme Variation of Narrow Endemic and Widespread Species of Far East Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae)



採自大戟科四個物種共19個族群之基因變異經由若干異構酶標誌加以分析。Euphorbia fauriei及E. garanbiensis分別為韓國及台灣之稀有在地種,而E. pekinensis及E. jolkinii則在韓國及台灣廣為分佈。E. garanbiensis具有限地區分佈,族群小,藉重力傳播之種子,及可能為自花授粉諸特點;我們發現此物種具低階的遺傳變異但有高階的遺傳分化。或者,E. garanbiensis 最近剛從某一大陸祖先物演化過來,或可能是古大陸物種之遺留後代。E. fauriei之高遺傳變異乃不尋常且可解釋為它的最近源生自某一分佈廣闊之大陸種,E. pekinensis。另一交替的說法是:E. fauriei乃上次冰河期在韓國半島避難物種之殘存後代。支持E. pekinensis 及 E. fauriei兩者間有祖先—後代關係的數據來自於:兩者間存在之高遺傳等同性,以及假想後代 E. fauriei 缺少獨特之等位基因,也缺少某些存在於假想祖先 E. pekinensis 之稀有等位基因。


Genetic variation from 19 populations representing four species of Euphorbia was compared using isozyme markers. Euphorbia fauriei and E. garanbiensis are rare endemic species in Korea and Taiwan, respectively while E. pekinensis and E. jolkinii are widespread in Korea and Taiwan. A low level of genetic variation and high genetic differentiation among populations was found in E. garanbiensis, which has a restricted distribution, small population sizes, gravity-dispersed seeds, and is possibly a self-pollinator. Alternatively, E. garanbiensis may have recently evolved from a continental progenitor or may be a relictual lineage from the continental flora. The high genetic diversity found in E. fauriei is unusual and may be explained by its recent origin from a widespread continental progenitor, E. pekinensis, An alternative explanation is that E. fauriei survived in refugia during the last glaciation in the Korean peninsula. The idea of progenitor-derivative species pairs between E. pekinensis and E. fauriei is supported by the high genetic identity values between the two species and the putative derivative E. fauriei having no unique allele and lacking some rare alleles present in the putative progenitor E. pekinensis.
