  • 期刊


Development of Gladiolus Variety Tainung No.2


唐菖蒲為台灣主要切花之一,種植面積每年約700至800公頃,主要栽培品種均自國外進口,因此農業試驗所進行育種工作,以期選育自有品種。唐菖蒲(Gladiolus hybridus Hort.)新品種台農2號,原品系代號E6,由民國74年自美國引進之商業品種-”Blaze”之自交後代選拔而來,歷經品系觀察試驗、比較試驗、區域試驗及調查分析等,確定園藝性狀優異,民國93年4月23日通過命名。本品種切花採收夏季約需68-88天,秋季約需74-91天,屬中晚生品種。小花數約12-15朵、花莖長約110-120cm,可達外銷一級切花標準。花色為紅色系、花朵直徑約8-11cm、切花壽命約7-9天。種球增重倍率約3-5倍,平均收穫小球莖數(直徑>0.5cm)約200粒/球。試驗期間,於一般栽培管理下,首腐病及灰黴病並未發生。台農2號為深紅色切花品種,消費市場接受度高,種球繁殖速率高,適合於台灣主要唐菖蒲產區(台中縣后里鄉、彰化縣北斗鎮等)栽培,極具推廣種植之潛力。


Gladiolus is one of the Taiwan major cut flowers, the planting area is about 700 to 800 ha per year, and most of the cultivars are imported. For the purpose of one's own variety, ARI proceeded with the breeding works of gladiolus. The new gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus Hort.) variety of ”Tainung No. 2”, E6 line, selected from self-hybridized offspring of ”Blaze” commercial variety imported from USA in 1985. After many years of tests in lines observation, comparison and field trials, the E6 line had excellent performance in horticultural characteristics and named as ”Tainung No.2” by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan on April 23, 2004. ”Tainung No.2” categories to a middle-late variety, in summer and autumn, it needs 68 to 88 days and 74 to 91 days to produce cut flower, respectively. The number of florets is about 12-15 and the length of spike is about 110-120cm which can fit in with the standard of exported flowers. Red color flower, 8-11cm in diameter, had a shelf life of 7-9 days. The fresh weight of corm increasing is about 3-5 fold with an average number of harvested cormel, greater than 0.5cm, about 200 per corm. During the period of evaluation, under normal cultivating procedure, there were not sever symptoms of disease (Pseudomonas marginata (McCull.) Stapp. and Botrytis gladiolorum Timmermans) observed. ”Tainung No.2” would cultivate well at the major gladiolus production areas in Taiwan (Ho-Li, Taichung county and Bei-Do, Changhua county).


Gladiolus Pink Self hybridize Selection Shelf life

