  • 期刊


Evaluation and Genetic Relationship Analysis Using RAPD on Flowering Cherry Germplasm


台灣山櫻(Prunus companulata Maxim.)花色艷麗,為低需冷性櫻花與櫻桃育種的重要親本,台灣植物誌中只有緋紅色花、花朵懸垂鐘狀漏斗型之記載。本研究蒐集到花瓣白色、不同程度的紅色及粉紅色,花瓣閉合程度不同,花朵不具典型懸垂特性以及大果、果實較不澀等品系。利用RAPD分析29個櫻花品種進行遺傳相似度分析,由300條隨機引子中篩選出11條引子共擴增147條條帶,其中多態性條帶有121條占82.3%。群集分析結果顯示,29個試驗品系可分為四群,遺傳相似度係數介於0.13-0.93之間,重瓣山櫻2和3無法區分,顯示兩者可能為同一品系之無性繁殖植株,二者與重瓣山櫻4的遺傳相似度係數為0.9,為試驗品種中親緣關係最接近者。蘭嶼野櫻(Prunus grisea Kalkm)與其他品種的遺傳相似度係數僅為0.13,顯示其與其他品種的親緣關係最遠。


Taiwan cherry (Prunus companulata Maxim.) with the reddest flowers and less chilling requirement in the world, is an important parent in breeding cherry and flowering cherry. In Flora of Taiwan, Taiwan cherry only has red, campanulate flowers record. In this research, we collected Taiwan cherry with white, pink and light to dark red, close to open campanulate and slightly upright flowers for futher breeding use. The genetic relationships of 29 flowering cherry cultivars were analyzed by using RAPD markers. A total of 300 primers were screened for their ability to produce strongly amplified products. Out of 11 primers amplified 147 DNA bands, 121 of which were polymorphic (82.3%). A dendrogram based on the UPGMA cluster analysis was constructed. All tested flowering cherry cultivars could be divided into four groups, including 2 groups of local varieties, 1 group of local high chill varieties with one Japanese variety and 1 group of Japanese varieties. Chorng bann shan ying 2 and 3 have the same polymorphic DNA band, indicating they may be the same variety. Chorng bann shan ying 2 and 3 and Chorng bann shan ying 4 had 93% similarity indexes, indicating the closest genetic relationship. Nevertheless, Lan-yeu yee Ying (Prunus grisea Kalkm) having 13% similarity indexes showed the farest genetic relationship with other tested flowering cherry varieties.


Flowering cherry Germplasm evaluation RAPD


