  • 期刊


Plant Growth and Yield Evaluation of Phytase Transgenic Potato


馬鈴薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)是世界上最重要的非禾穀類糧食作物。基因轉殖馬鈴薯2-1品系,是由克尼伯(Kennebec)品種轉殖植酸酵素基因(phytase gene)所產生的基因轉殖作物。根據在農業試驗所隔離試驗田進行的2004-2005年秋作試驗結果顯示,植酸酵素基因轉殖馬鈴薯在各生長期的主莖長、側枝數及地上部乾重等生長介量雖較克尼伯為低但未達統計上5%顯著水準差異;單株薯球總鮮重雖稍低但亦無顯著差異。植酸酵素基因轉殖馬鈴薯2-1品系可能不適合自行留種連續栽種,其第二年(2005年)連續栽種之產量表現,小於120 g的薯球數量明顯減少。轉殖馬鈴薯在第四週時的出土率,也顯著低於非轉殖馬鈴薯。


Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the most important noncereal food crop in the world. The transgenic potato plants, strain 2-1, were obtained by phytase-gene transformation into their original plants, cv. 'Kennebe'. Here, we carried out an isolated field experiment to compare the plant growth and yield performance of both phytase transgenic and non-transgenic potato plants at Agricultural Research Institute in the fall of 2004 and 2005. The results showed that the transgenic potato plants were slightly lower than non-transgenic potato plants in main stem length, lateral stem length, shoot dry matter and tuber fresh weight in three different growth periods, but the differences were not statistically significant (p>0.05). The transgenic potato plants harboring phytase gene might not favor continuous cultivation using harvested seed potatoes because of significant number reduction of tuber with less than 120 g in the second-year cropping (2005). Phytase transgenic potato showed a significantly lower emergence rate than non-transgenic potato at 4 weeks after planting.
