  • 期刊


In Vitro Seed Germination and Mass Propagation of Dendrobium moniliforme, a Native Species in Taiwan


銅皮石斛授粉後12週的種子培養於含1/2 MS基本鹽類,添加3%蔗糖及0.9% Difco agar之培養基,所獲得的綠苗數及植株的鮮重最高,爲最佳的播種適期,而培養於KC及VW培養基均無綠苗形成。自1/2 MS培養基所產生的幼苗,經培養於全量MS基本鹽類,添加3-4.5%蔗糖的培養基所獲得單株平均鮮重最佳,但根部生長情形不利於移植;減低蔗糖濃度至1.5%並配合8%香蕉泥、8%馬鈴薯汁及8%椰子汁液之MS基本鹽類之有機添加物,對於植株的鮮重、株高及根數的效果最佳。


An in vitro study was conducted to examine seed germination Dendrobium moniliforme harvested at different maturity stages on three different media. Results showed that the maximum number of germination rates and fresh weight of plantlets were obtained when results showed that the treatment of 12-week-old seeds on the 1/2 MS medium supplemented with 3% sucrose and 0.9% Difco agar was the best for seed germination and fresh weight of plantlets. Seeds on the other two media, KC and VW, produced only albino plantlets. The maximum biomass was obtained when the young seedlings were subcultured on the MS medium supplemented with 3-4.5% sucrose, but these seedlings were unsuitable for transplanting due to turn upward roots. However, the medium containing MS basic salt, 1.5% sucrose, 8% each of banana homogenate, potato juice and coconut milk and 0.9% Difco agar was suitable for maximum production of biomass.
