  • 期刊


Field Assessment of Agronomic Traits and Pollen-Mediated Gene Flow of Transgenic Rice


本研究利用3個台農67號(Oryza sativa L. ssp japonica TNG 67)的基因轉殖水稻為材料,分別為轉殖澱粉普魯南糖水稻、轉殖豬乳鐵蛋白水稻及轉殖植酸酵素水稻,進行農藝性狀調查、花粉性狀評估及基因轉殖水稻藉由花粉媒介的基因流佈頻率之田間評估,以瞭解基因轉殖水稻在商業化生產種植前,對目前之水稻耕作系統有無影響。在農藝性狀調查中,三個轉殖品系每公頃產量皆低於台農67號水稻,每穗粒數以轉殖豬乳鐵蛋白水稻最高為103.3粒,轉殖植酸酵素水稻最低為80.3粒,二者達顯著差異。基因轉殖水稻花粉性狀評估試驗中,結果顯示轉殖澱粉普魯南糖水稻的花粉數量、花粉離體發芽率及花粉活力均低於台農67號水稻。基因轉殖水稻花粉媒介基因流佈田間試驗中,結果顯示在交叉種植設計中,以轉殖豬乳鐵蛋白水稻的花粉媒介基因流佈頻率最高為7.82%,其次台農67號水稻及轉殖植酸酵素水稻分別為7.13%和5.91%,最低為轉殖澱粉普魯南糖水稻只有3.18%。在間隔種植設計中,則以台農67號水稻的花粉媒介基因流佈頻率最高為2.8%,其次轉殖豬乳鐵蛋白水稻及轉殖植酸酵素水稻分別為2.32% 和1.53%,最低為轉殖澱粉普魯南糖水稻只有0.54%。整體而言,三個轉殖品系的花粉媒介基因流佈頻率以轉殖澱粉普魯南糖水稻最低,而轉殖豬乳鐵蛋白水稻最高,可知花粉基因流佈頻率因不同的轉殖基因而異。


Three transgenic rice lines, AAN, LAC, and APU, which were the phytase-, lactoferrine-, and amylopullulanase-gene transformed cv. Tainung 67 (Oryza sativa L. ssp japonica, TNG 67), respectively, were employed for the assessments of agronomic traits, pollen characters, and pollen-mediated gene flow in a field study. The objective of this study was to provide information to clarify whether transgenic rice would affect the production of the current rice cultivation system prior to its commercialization. Results showed that yields of three transgenic lines were lower than those of TNG 67. The spikelets per panicle of LAC (103.3) were significantly higher than those of AAN (80.3). All three important factors accounting for capabilities of pollen-mediated gene flow, i.e., quantity, germination rate and viability of pollens, were lower in APU than in TNG 67. The mean frequency of outcrossed seeds was significantly lower in APU (3.18%) than in TNG 67 (7.13%). In the experiment of checker-board pattern, the mean frequency of outcrossed seeds in a descending order was 7.82%, 7.13%, 5.91% and 3.18% for LAC, TNG 67, AAN and APU, respectively. In the alternating row arrangement experiment, the mean frequency of outcrossed seeds was 2.8%, 2.32%, 1.53% and 0.54% for TNG 67, LAC, AAN and APU, respectively. Overall, the mean frequency of outcrossed seeds of APU was the lowest while that of LAC was the highest, indicating that the pollen-mediated gene flow varied among different transgenic lines.
