  • 期刊


Storage Temperature Affects Quality of Fresh Tuberous Roots of Sweet Potato during Storage Period


甘藷塊根於貯藏期間,將因為貯藏環境的溫度條件,使其食用品質受到影響。本文研究以不同貯藏溫度(10、15及20℃)及貯藏時間(2、4、6及8週)等環境條件,探討不同甘藷品種(‘台農57 號’、‘台農66 號’及‘台農73號’)在貯藏期間的鮮藷品質變化。試驗結果顯示,15℃貯藏處理可有效抑制塊根貯藏期間的萌芽,無論品種與貯藏溫度,甘藷塊根概於貯藏至第8週時出現明顯鮮重降低現象,顯著低於未經貯藏處理者。甘藷品種之間,‘台農57號’塊根失重情形低於‘台農66號’及‘台農73號’。10℃處理將對供試甘藷品種造成貯藏期間鮮藷塊根的寒害徵狀,‘台農57號’及‘台農66號’主要發生於塊根表皮,出現凹陷與褐變,而‘台農73號’藷肉則出現水浸狀生理劣變致無食用價值。此外,高溫貯藏條件及延長貯藏時間,將不利於‘台農73號’鮮藷花青素的保存。三個供試品種鮮藷在貯藏期間的成分變化,其可溶性糖含量在貯藏2週後,10℃、15℃及20℃等三種處理均顯著高於對照樣品,此增加趨勢維持至貯藏第8週;粗脂肪與蛋白質含量亦有相同的趨勢。低乾物率甘藷品種具有呼吸速率較高之特性,而‘台農66 號’甘藷乾物率較其他兩個供試品種低。相較於‘台農57號’及‘台農73號’,試驗貯藏期間‘台農66號’澱粉含量較低而可溶性糖含量則明顯較高。將不同的甘藷品種、貯藏溫度及貯藏時間等三個因子對於鮮藷化學成分影響結果進行變方分析,顯示鮮藷之成分變化受到品種、貯藏溫度及貯藏時間影響,且各處理因子間交感效應顯著,據此維持鮮藷品質成分的最適貯藏溫度條件必須依品種不同而設定。


甘藷 貯藏 萌芽 寒害 生理劣變


Quality of sweet potato is affected by the change of temperature during storage period. The objectives of the present study were to study how temperature affects quality of tuberous roots of three different sweet potato cultivars ('TNG 57', 'TNG 66' and 'TNG 73') during storage. Tuberous roots were stored at three temperatures (10, 15 or 20℃) and were sampled for physical traits investigation and chemical analysis at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks after storage. Results showed that the sprouting of tuberous roots (TR) was inhibited when stored at 15℃ or lower. Fresh weight of TR of all cultivars was significantly declined at eight wk after storage in these three temperatures, relative to those untreated ones, particularly ‘TNG 66’ and 'TNG 73'. The symptoms of chilling injury occurred at 10℃ treatment; roots skin of 'TNG 57' and 'TNG 66' appeared sunken lesions and browning while translucent lesions occurred inside the core of roots in 'TNG 73' making the loss of market and eating value. To cultivar 'TNG 73', storage temperature of 20℃ and extended period of storage would decrease anthocyanin content. The chemical components of tuberous roots varied during storage. After storing 2 weeks at these three temperatures, contents of soluble sugar, crude fat and protein were significantly higher than those of untreated checks up to 8 weeks of storage. Cultivar 'TNG 66' had the lowest dry matter but was the highest in respiration rate relative to the other two. Moreover, 'TNG 66' also had lower starch with higher soluble sugar during storage period. By the analysis of variance on factors of cultivar, storage temperature and storage period with chemical components of tuberous roots, results showed that chemical components were affected by all these three factors and their interactions. Accordingly, results suggest that each sweet potato cultivar should have its specific temperature range to maintain proper tuberous roots storage.
