  • 期刊


Effects of Flooding Treatments on the Storage Quality of Sweet Potato after Post-Harvest


本試驗目的為瞭解甘藷栽培期間,若在不同生育時期遭遇淹水逆境,對甘藷塊根收穫後儲藏之影響。分別在春、秋兩期作以甘藷「台農66號」為材料,在3個不同生育時期進行淹水處理,包括甘藷生育初期(種植後第45 d)、生育後期(種植後第110 d)淹水6 d以及生育初期與後期各淹6 d(種植後第45、110 d)的處理,收穫後塊根儲藏在適當的條件下(15℃,相對濕度90%)進行60 d的儲藏試驗。試驗結果顯示,在秋作塊根腐爛率及塊根重量喪失率皆隨著儲藏時間增加而增加,而在儲藏第30 d,淹水處理組與對照組間之根腐爛率及塊根重量喪失率並無顯著差異存在;惟40 d後,淹水處理組與對照組間之根腐爛率及塊根重量喪失率有顯著差異存在。在春作之所有儲藏日數,淹水處理組與對照組間之根腐爛率及塊根重量喪失率皆無顯著差異存在。另外,本試驗發現甘藷在生育後期淹水處理後,造成儲藏期間損失的主要因素為塊根腐爛情況的發生,而秋作甘藷生育期間遭遇淹水逆境將顯著造成腐爛率的增加。因此,為保持甘藷塊根品質,在秋作經淹水後之甘藷塊根,應該避免儲藏超過30 d;而春作甘藷發現生育初期淹水以及生育後期淹水共計2 次淹水處理,其儲藏腐爛情況出現較早,大約在儲藏20-30 d時塊根腐爛率大量增加,故其儲藏時間不應超過20 d。


The objective of this research was to study effects of flooding treatments during different growth stages of spring and autumn cropping seasons on the storage quality of sweet potato after post-harvest. Cultivar ‘Tainung No. 66’ (‘TNG 66’) was grown in spring and autumn cropping season and treated with flooding for six days in different growth stages, i.e., initial growth stage (45 DAP), late growth stage (110 DAP), and both initial and late growth stages (45 & 110 DAP). After harvest, the tuberous roots of sweet potato from different flooding treatments were stored in the chamber at 15℃ and 90% relative humidity (RH) for 60 days. The results showed that numbers of rotten roots and the percentage of weight loss among different treatments increased with the increasing of storage time. In autumn cropping season, numbers of rotten roots and the percentage of weight loss between flooding treatments and no treatment were not significantly different before 30 days of storage, but these were significant difference after 40 days of storage. In spring cropping season, numbers of rotten roots and the percentage of weight loss between flooding treatments and no treatment were not significantly different among all the storage times, and heavy rain in the season was detrimental to the storage quality of sweet potato roots. Overall, this study showed that the major factor of weight loss during storage was the increasing numbers of rotten roots, and the flooding treatment in different growth stages would increase the numbers of rotten roots in autumn cropping season. In order to maintain the quality of stored roots, the storage time of sweet potato tuberous roots, which exposed to flooding treatments prior to storage, should not be extended to more than 30 days. In spring cropping season, the rotten numbers of roots would increase largely during 20-30 days of storage whether sweet potato was exposed to flooding treatments in early stage or both early and late stages, so that the storage time should not be extended to more than 20 days of storage.
