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成蟲飼料添加新尼古丁類與抗生素類殺蟲劑對瓜實蠅[Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett)] (Diptera: Tephritidae)之毒效測試

Lethal Effects of Adult Food Incorporated with Neonicotinoids and Antibiotic Insecticides against the Melon Fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae)


瓜實蠅 [Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett)] 為葫蘆科作物重要害蟲,誘殺性餌劑為目前政府推薦的主要防治方法。本研究在室內以非選擇性 (僅提供含毒食餌) 與選擇性 (同時提供含毒與無毒食餌) 試驗,篩選對瓜實蠅具良好毒效的新尼古丁與抗生素類殺蟲劑,作為餌劑添加藥劑的參考,期進一步減少對環境與農民健康的傷害,同時增加用藥選擇的多樣性,減緩害蟲抗藥性的產生。非選擇性試驗結果顯示,新尼古丁類殺蟲劑賽速安、可尼丁和達特南,以及抗生素殺蟲劑因滅汀、賜諾特和賜諾殺,添加於成蟲食餌中對瓜實蠅具有良好的毒殺效果。上述抗生素類殺蟲劑,對瓜實蠅24 h 致死率約60%,高於新尼古丁類殺蟲劑所造成約50%的死亡率,但累積72 h 後2 類殺蟲劑對瓜實蠅的致死率皆高達95%。試驗亦顯示,因滅汀和賜諾特對瓜實蠅的毒殺效率,相較於目前政府推薦的東方果實蠅防治用餌劑之添加藥劑賜諾殺為快,而賽速安、可尼丁和達特南的毒殺效率也與賜諾殺相當。選擇性試驗顯示,此2 類殺蟲劑不會對瓜實蠅造成明顯忌避作用,同時也證實上述藥劑對瓜實蠅具有確實的毒殺效果。綜合而言,本研究顯示這些篩選出的殺蟲劑以及效果稍微次之的阿巴汀,皆極具進一步探討其添加於優良餌劑中防治瓜實蠅的潛力。


The melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett), is an important pest of cucurbit crops. Application of poison baits is the major strategy recommended by the government for the melon fly control. This study was conducted to screen out effective neonicotinoids and antibiotic insecticides with no-choice (only a poisoned bait being provided) and choice (a non-poison bait being provided together with a poisoned bait) tests in the laboratory. It helps in providing important information for the selection of low-toxic insecticide additives for melon fly baits that reduces the harmful effects imposed on the environments and the farmers, as well as increasing the insecticide options to reduce the development of insecticide resistance. Results of no-choice tests showed that the neonicotinoidsthiamethoxam, clothianidin, and dinotefuran, and the antibiotic insecticides-emamectin benzoate, spinetoram, and spinosad added to the adult foods elicited high lethal effects to the melon flies. These selected neonicotinoids resulted in approximately 50% mortalities which was a little lower than 60% mortalities caused by the selected antibiotic insecticides. However, both insecticide groups all made the melon fly mortalities reached 95% at the end of 72-h experimental periods. Results also showed that the rates of melon fly mortalities induced by emamectin benzoate and spinetoram were faster than that induced by spinosad, a registered insecticide additive for fruit fly food baits, and the mortality rates by the thiamethoxam, clothianidin, and dinotefuran were similar to the spinosad. Choice tests indicated that both the selected neonicotinoids and antibiotic insecticides caused limited deterrent effects, but substantial insecticidal toxicities to the melon flies. Collectively, this study suggests that the above selected insecticides and abamectin, the one with a little less lethality, deserve further investigations for their potential as effective insecticide additive in the melon fly baits.
