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Anthracnose of Pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) Caused by Colletotrichum spp., A New Postharvest Disease in Taiwan

台灣新紀錄之引起採收後紅龍果炭疽病之Colletotrichum spp.


Pitaya (Hylocereus undatus, H. polyrhizus, and H. costaricensis) has been widely planted as a fruit crop in Taiwan in the past three decades. Field survey in pitaya orchards during 2009 to 2013 showed that anthracnose of Pitaya caused by Colletotrichum spp. was one of the major postharvest diseases in Taiwan. Disease symptoms encompassed brown colored sunken spots with or without water- soaked necrosis on the harvested fruits skin after storing at room temperature for 510 days, which apparently shortening the marketable period and reducing the price of the harvested fruits. Based on morphological characteristics and ITS region sequences, at least three species of Colletotrichum isolated from diseased fruits of pitaya collected from orchards in Taiwan were identified, including C. truncatum and 2 species within each respective Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. boninense species complex, with isolation frequencies of 21.8, 73.4, and 4.8 %, respectively, during 2009 to 2013. However, to precisely discriminate the Collectotrichum species within each respective C. gloeosporioides and C. boninense species complex, further multi-locus phylogenetic analysis are mandatory in the future. This is the first report of anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum spp. as an important postharvest disease of pitaya in Taiwan.


紅龍果(白肉Hylocereus undatus,紅肉H. polyrhizus及H. costaricensis)為台灣近20年來廣受栽培的果樹,依2009到2013的田間調查顯示,由Colletotrichum spp.引起的炭疽病為台灣紅龍果主要採收後病害,導致果實倉儲期縮短或降低商品價值,以及經濟價值損失。病斑自果實採收後室溫儲藏5-10 d間始出現,表皮呈現褐色凹陷,嚴重者可能出現水浸狀腐爛。以組織分離罹病果實上的病原菌,並根據形態以及ITS區域序列及類緣分析,至少確定有3種Colletotrichum spp.,包括Colletotrichum gloeosporioides、C. truncatum與C. boninense可感染紅龍果。2009到2013期間自罹染炭疽病之組織上分離各病原之分離率分別為73.4、21.8及4.8%。近年來其他學者發現C. gloeosporioides與C. boninense個別為複合族群(species complex),族群內可再藉由多基因親源分析(multi-locus phylogenetic analysis)區分出多個新種Colletotrichum spp.。為鑑定感染紅龍果之Colletotrichum spp.,未來將再進行多基因親源分析。紅龍果炭疽病為台灣紅龍果重要之採收後病害,本篇在台灣為Colletotrichum spp.引起之紅龍果炭疽病之首篇報導。


紅龍果 採後病害 炭疽病 Colletotrichum spp.
