

甘藷儲藏病害為儲藏過程中造成損失的重要因子之一。為瞭解甘藷儲藏性病害發生情形,本研究由彰化大城及雲林水林兩地區採收甘藷中,挑選外觀健康之塊根,於15℃恆溫室中儲放12 wk。儲藏期間每2 wk調查病害發生情形,並將罹病塊根進行組織分離。彰化大城之甘藷於12 wk時,504條塊根裡有436條發生腐敗情形,雲林水林則是在500條塊根中有233條發生腐敗情形。分離出主要的真菌種類有6類,包括Diaporthe batatas、Fusarium spp.、Lasiodiplodia theobromae、Macrophomina phaseolina、Phomopsis destruens及其他Phomopsis spp.。上述分離之真菌經柯霍式法則驗證,發現D. batatas、L. theobromae、M. phaseolina、P. destruens及其他Phomopsis spp.均可造成塊根腐敗,確為甘藷塊根儲藏病原,Fusarium spp.則在塊根上未造成任何病徵。本研究之結果,可作為後續篩選甘藷儲藏性病害田間防治藥劑時重要之參考。


甘藷 儲藏性病害 乾腐病 黑腐病 炭腐病


Post-harvest storage disease is one of the important limiting factor of sweet potato production. To investigate the incidence of post-harvest storage disease on sweet potato, healthy roots from Dacheng Township, Changhua County and Shueilin Township, Yunlin County were collected and stored under 15℃ for 12 wk, and fungi on rotten roots were isolated every 2 wk in period of storage. After 12 wk of storage, 436 of 504 roots from Dacheng Township and 223 of 500 roots from Shuelin Township were rotten, and isolated fungal species included Diaporthe batatas, Fusarium spp., Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Macrophomina phaseolina, Phomopsis destruens and other Phomopsis spp. Pathogenicity tests were conducted, and results showed that D. batatas, L. theobromae, M. phaseolina, P. destruens and some Phomopsis spp. were virulent, and could cause rotten symptoms on sweet potatoes, revealing the pathogenicity of these species. On the contrary, roots inoculated with Fusarium spp. did not show symptom. This study provides important reference for further fungicides screening to control the post-harvest disease of sweet potato in Taiwan.


Sweet potato Storage disease Dry rot Black rot Charcoal rot
