  • 期刊


Evaluation of Control Efficacy of Phosphorous Acid Against Sweet Potato Foot Rot


由Phomopsis destruens引起之甘藷基腐病為我國近年來甘藷栽培之重要病害,目前發病田區以種植健康種苗搭配植前田區淹水及化學藥劑等方式進行防治。為了提供有機及非農藥栽培者另一友善環境之防治方式,本研究於生體外(in vitro)及溫室試驗中探討亞磷酸-氫氧化鉀中和液(neutralized phosphorous acid solution; NPA)防治資材對P. destruens之防治效果。生體外試驗結果顯示,濃度0.33-2.00 g L^(-1)之NPA可對P. destruens菌絲生長及孢子發芽產生明顯之抑制作用,其中2.00 g L^(-1)之NPA抑制率最高,分別可達85.1%及98.9%。進一步於溫室試驗中以「台農71號」甘藷扦插苗測試NPA於不同濃度、施用量、施用時機及施用次數對甘藷基腐病之防治效果,結果顯示NPA於高濃度(2.00 g L^(-1)及1.00 g L^(-1)),且每棵甘藷苗澆灌60 mL以上藥液時,可有效防治基腐病之發生。NPA之施用時機,則以種植後1 wk澆灌較佳,若於種植後2 wk或3 wk後才澆灌則防治效果較差;施用次數而言,則接種後連續施用1次、2次或3次均可達到顯著的防治效果。本研究結果顯示,NPA對P. destruens可能具直接抑制或殺菌之效果,且經溫室試驗測試對甘藷基腐病具顯著防治效果,應可作為未來於田間非農藥栽培或有機栽培防治甘藷基腐病之防治資材。


Sweet potato foot rot caused by Phomopsis destruens is a serious disease of sweet potato recently in Taiwan. Currently, preventing this disease in the fields relies on these methods, including planting healthy seedlings combined with flooding before planting, applying chemical fungicides and other control techniques. In order to provide an environmentally friendly method of disease control for organic or eco-friendly farming system, this study evaluated the control efficacy of neutralized phosphorous acid solution (NPA) against P. destruens through in vitro and greenhouse trails. In vitro studies showed that mycelial growth and spore germination of P. destruens were significantly inhibited by 0.33-2.00 g L^(-1) NPA, and the inhibition of mycelial growth and spore germination were the highest (85.1% and 98.9%, respectively) while it was applied with 2.00 g L^(-1) NPA. In greenhouse trials, NPA was applied with different concentrations, application dosages, timings and times to pathogen- inoculated variety 'TN-71' seedlings to evaluate its control efficacy. The results showed that NPA could control the disease only in higher concentration (2.00 g L^(-1) and 1.00 g L^(-1)), and the application dosage should be over 60 mL. The application timing of NPA was the best at 1 wk after inoculation, while applying NPA at 2 or 3 wk after inoculation showed lower control efficacy. For application times, applying 1, 2 or 3 times all showed significant control efficacy. This study showed that NPA might have direct inhibition effect on P. destruens, and its control efficacy against sweet potato foot rot disease was confirmed through greenhouse trials. In conclusion, this study proved that NPA could be applied as a low-toxic protectant for non-pesticide or organic farming systems to control sweet potato root rot in the field.
